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мαgαzιηє ¢σνєя

The Revolution of AstrA

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The Revolution of AstrA

WHEN I ENTER Astra's sprawling bachelorette pad in Beverly Hills, California, on a warm afternoon in January, the first things I notice are boxes of Cheetos' hot fries sitting just inside the door. They are reminders of Astra's non existed diet.

There is a Vogue crew here, at the tail end of a two-day shoot, though you'd never know it, as most of the operation is camped out in Astra's wardrobe multiplex—a series of dressing rooms and closets, including one just for her shoes and handbags that look like a boutique store.

At one point, Astra is holding court in a sitting area just outside her kitchen. They are discussing for schedule for the week.

THE NEXT NIGHT—after a long day of juggling her busy schedule —Astra meets me at 9:00 p.m. for dinner at a Korean restaurant in the Bay Area.

We discuss life, career, etc., when I bring up the topic of marriage and children. Astra's eyes light up at the topic.

"I'm definitely at the point of my life where I'm ready to get married and have lots of babies," Astra said.

When asked how many children she wanted, Astra held up all ten fingers.

"I want ten," She said.

I asked if she was dating anyone to achieve those ten children, and she answered no.

"I'm not dating anyone; I want to start dating again but finding somebody is not my main focus. I've dated people. I've been on a few dates, which is exciting. But I've never got into anything serious. I have my guard up. I like to meet people in organic settings. Hanging out with a group of people and meeting through mutual people." She explained.

Astra does appear to be very much in control these days.

Astra is an exciting blend of this childlike excitement and curiosity, mixed with the aura of a very seasoned adult who has been through a lot.

When we finally leave the restaurant and spot a gas station, where, in true Hollywood style, we eat ice cream and any junk food that Astra spots as dessert.

Watching Astra make a beeline for the boiled peanuts, laughing at herself as she dives into pouring the boiled peanuts into a cup.

Astra is the icon that the world has made her.

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