28 - The End

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1 Year Later...

"I cannot fucking believe you dragged me out of bed at 8AM to get our nails done!" I whisper screamed whilst rocking baby Aria in my arms. Jess gave birth in early September and I was holding the nearly 5 month old baby in my arms whilst she slept. She was kitted out in a white snow suit with little booties and a pink hat. Her lips pouted whilst she slept like the little angel she was. "Why are we getting our nails done?" I asked suspiciously. Everyone had been acting awfully suspicious recently and it was starting to get on my nerves.

"Because I felt like it and anyway I noticed your fingers looked ugly" she stated, taking the sleeping baby out my arms and putting her in her pram.

"Jeez thanks" I sarcastically remarked, looking down at my fingers self consciously. They looked fine but I didn't think too much about her comment.

"Hello pretty ladies!" Yazmin exclaimed as we walked into her nail shop. She cooed over Aria for a couple of minutes before sitting us down in the chairs. She began filing my nails and asking questions about my life since I last saw her. Not much had happened in the last year. Obviously baby Aria was born and it was the best day as I became an aunt. Chris had been in Boston a lot ,which I was a big fan of, filming Defending Jacob. He had grown his beard out and had his gorgeous dark brown hair, which I was also a big fan of. We had been very good over this past year. I thought our honeymoon phase would of faded out by now but it hadn't. There was still excitement in our relationship, I would get butterflies every time he walked into the same room as me. Jess and Seb were struggling though. Jess struggled with post-partum depression, it was difficult for her to bond with Aria for a good few weeks. That then caused a strain on Sebastian and Jess relationship. As Seb couldn't be there all the time, I had to step in on multiple occasions looking after Aria. Eventually we managed to get Jess to hold the baby a couple of times and it seemed to improve from there. But the two of them still argued a fair amount.

Chris had a couple of premiers for Endgame and I came to a few of them, but it was fun. I loved the Marvel cast, I obviously knew Seb and Anthony but I became really close with Scarlet and Lizzie. It was great to have more girlfriends again. But other than that it had been a reasonably uneventful year. Business had been good as always, loads more of my photos had been sold.

"All done!" Yazmin grinned, I glanced down at my nails and nodded approvingly. She'd done cute almond shaped French manicure nails with a little butterfly on each ring finger.

After getting our nails done, we mooched around the shops and I brought Aria a cute little dress. It was actually later than I'd expected when I got back home. It was 4:30PM and almost pitch black outside. I took my key out my bag and unlocked my door. The warmth of my apartment hit me, instantly defrosting my frozen fingers and toes. I could smell something cooking so I took my boots off and wandered into the kitchen. I found Chris stirring some kind of sauce in a saucepan. I grinned at the sight, walking up behind him and wrapping my arms around his waist. Slipping my hands under his shirt, I placed my ice cold hands on his warm abs to heat them up. He flinched at the coldness of my hands, making me giggle.

"Hey pretty girl" He turned around to face me, holding a wooden spoon with red sauce on it. He carefully blew on it before holding it in front of my mouth to taste.

"Mmm" I nodded as the delicious sauce entered my mouth.

"Good?" he raised a brow.

"Mhm" I smiled. He pressed a quick kiss to my lips before turning back to the hob. I took a bottle of red wine out the fridge, taking out a glass and pouring myself a generous glass. Chris had cut back on his drinking a considerable amount since last year, only drinking on special occasions. I sat myself on a stool opposite him, sipping on the wine whilst watching him cook. He looked very very good cooking, he rarely did it but when he did it was a good sight.

Once the food was ready, he dished it up on two plates and took it to the table where he had set it up with candles. I twiddled the pasta on my fork and putting it into my mouth, letting a moan of satisfaction leave my lips at the taste. "Whats the occasion?" I asked curiously, "I mean I'm not complaining!" I hummed. Looking up from my plate I noticed how nervous Chris looked and my face instantly dropped. "oh god, what have you done?" I asked.

"Nothing, nothing" he exhaled a laugh, "I just wanted to cook for my beautiful girlfriend" he defended. I nodded, not quite satisfied with the answer but not choosing to push the subject.

After dinner, I helped clear up before changing into some warm comfy clothes. "Liv?" Chris called out from downstairs.

"yeah?" I called back.

"You coming to watch a movie?" He asked.

"Yeah I'll be one sec" I replied, slipping my leg into my joggers. Tying my hair up into a bun, I came back downstairs. Chris had refilled my wine glass and put it on the table along with a bowl of ice cream. I slumped onto the sofa next to him, resting my head on his chest while his arm was on the back of the sofa. I reached over and picked my wine glass up, noticing a little velvet black box. I shot a look at Chris, as if to ask him what it was. He faked a shocked expression and picked it up. Clipping the box open, there was a ring. It was a beautiful ring. Yellow gold band with a square diamond and two smaller diamonds placed next to it. My mouth fell open and Chris let out a chuckle.

"Olivia Rose. You are the one I love. The one who makes me laugh to the point my eyes water. I could love you for a million lifetimes. We have never had the perfect love story, but it will forever be my favourite. I don't think you will ever know how much I love you, but will you do me the honours of showing you everyday till the day I die?" his eyes began to gloss over with tears. I was practically sobbing, my heart feeling like it was gonna burst. I looked down at the man kneeling before me, and all I could feel was love.

"Took you long enough" I giggled, he let out a sigh of relief, "Fuck yes I will marry you". He took the ring out of the box and placed it on my ring finger where it fit perfectly. It felt right sitting on my finger. I practically launched myself at him, luckily he caught me. I gazed into those beautiful ocean eyes and kissed him. It was true, we didn't have the perfect love story. In fact I would say it was pretty disastrous up till this point. But we got to this point, which in my eyes was all that mattered. It was my favourite love story.

The End.

~thank you all! I love you and I hope you enjoyed Liv and Chris love story just as much as I did writing it!~

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