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"How have you been?" the question everyone fears after a break up. There is a conflict between whether you reply with a lie or the honest answer.

"I've been good, you?" I chose the lie. Breaking up was my decision and it was a good one, it didn't mean that it didn't fucking hurt though.

"Good" he nodded, there was an awkward silence, one that never used to be there. We used to be able to fill silences or even just peacefully sit and indulge in each others company. "Sorry to hear about Boston, Shanna told me" he smiled sympathetically, fuck I hated that.

"Yeah its fine, New York is still doing great and I prefer it here anyway" I glanced around the room, not wanting to make direct eye contact.

"Ouch" He fake winced.

"You know I didn't-" I began saying, before getting cut off.

"I know, I'm just playing with you" he grinned. I faked a smile in response. It pained me, the feeling that we had outgrown each other. The man who was sat before me, I didn't know who he was. Chris' cerulean eyes offered a glimpse of familiarity of the man I love but the rest was different.

"How's LA been treating you?" I asked, steering the direction of the conversation in attempt to make less of the awkward silences.

"It's been good, I've auditioned for this new movie which looks pretty promising. They have already cast some of the other actors.." he began saying before the ringtone of his phone cut him off. He took it out of his pocket and glanced at the screen with a furrowed brow. "I need to get this, do you mind?"

"No go ahead" I moved out of the living room to give Chris a little privacy, and started making some coffee.

"Yeah that's amazing. Thank you so much" I could hear him from the kitchen. I assumed to conversation had finished as I heard footsteps walking into where I was. "I got the part!" he exclaimed.

"That's amazing!" I squealed, I ran up to him and jumped up to hug him. This was the first time that we had actually been together when he had got 'the call'. All the other times, when we were in a relationship, we had always been in different states. So this was all new and exciting. He caught me, wrapping his arms around my waist tightly. "I'm so proud of you" I whisper into his ear. I began to slowly pull away, we came face-to-face. His breath hot on my face, smelling of peppermint and tobacco. I glanced into those beautiful cerulean ocean blue eyes and felt comfort. I felt safe. Our breaths dancing across one another's skin. My lips tingled with the desperation for his lips to be on mine. I wanted to give in, so badly, but I couldn't. I distanced myself, Chris noticed this and put me down. "I made some coffee, if you want some?" I asked, nodding over to the coffee pot.

"Yes please" I walked over to the cupboard containing all my mugs and took two out. And began to pour the coffee. I handed him a coffee-filled mug and led the way back into the living room.

"Have you been seeing anyone interesting recently?" he questioned, I couldn't quite place his tone.

"No I've been too busy for dating at the moment, what about you?" I asked, looking down at the mug in my hands. This conversation was about to be awkward and uncomfortable and I wasn't entirely sure I actually wanted to know the answer.

"Yeah I've been on a few dates with someone Seb set me up with, she's a nice girl." Nope most definitely did not want nor need to know the answer.

"Seb? As in.." I stopped.

"Your Seb, well our Seb I guess. We are both friends with him" He shrugged, and my heart broke just a little bit more. Sebastian, my best friend. The man who literally sat with me till all hours of the night as I cried, comforting me, had just set up the man I was crying about with another woman. I could feel tears brimming up in my eyes, but I couldn't let him see me cry.

"I'm just gonna go to the toilet, you know coffee always makes me need to pee" I laughed softly before rushing off, unable to hold it back anymore.

I allowed the tears to roll over my cheeks, trying to breathe steadily to make them stop. But it just fucking hurt. Once I was able to get a hold of myself, I wiped my eyes with a bit of tissue and glanced at my reflection. I had black smudges under my eyes, making me look even worse. I grabbed a baby wipe and gently wiped it off. Taking a few deep breaths before leaving. "You okay?" Chris asked cautiously.

"Yeah I'm fine!" I brushed it off, giving him a big fake smile. "I've got about a million and one things to do tomorrow so I should probably head to bed" I said, hoping he would take the hint.

"Yeah no worries, I should get back to my hotel. I'll text you and we can meet up before I leave New York" He got up, walking over to the kitchen to put his mug on the counter before returning and giving me a kiss on the head, "It was good to see you love"

"Yeah you too" I replied. He opened the door and shut it again once he was outside. And I just completely broke down.

I picked my phone up off the coffee table and called Jess.

"Baby what's wrong?" She asked, her voice sounding groggy.

"Sorry, did I wake you up?" I sobbed.

"Yeah but it doesn't matter, what happened? Please tell me you didn't cut your hair again" Jess sighed.

"No. Chris came over" I whispered.

"What? Why? When?" She quizzed.

"He just left. Seb set him up with someone and he is dating her" I cried out. Jess went quiet. This instantly raised alarm in my head. "Did you know?" I whispered, hoping that she wouldn't hear me so that she wouldn't be able to answer and it wouldn't be true.

"Yes." she replied softly.

"You knew? And you didn't tell me?" My voice sounded stupidly small and I hated it. I hated how betrayed a felt.

"Because I knew that it would hurt you" she protested.

"I get that, but finding out this way hurts way fucking more Jess. You and Sebastian are supposed to be my best friends, and you both lied to me. Sebastian is the one who literally fucking set him up Jess" I began to grow more and more angry, my temper getting the best of me.

"I know" she answered quietly. "Liv" I could hear my name being called in the background.

"Seb's here, I'm putting you on speaker" she warned.

"Liv.." Seb began to say.

"I literally can not even think of the words to say to you right now" I barked, "How could you? I cried to you for hours and hours, and this is what you do?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't think-" he started to reply before I cut him off.

"No you didn't think. I'm done. I'll see you at work tomorrow Jess" I bluntly replied, hanging up straight after.

All I ask | Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now