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Hello my lovelies, this is gonna be on of the last chapters of this book and this book series. I am so grateful for all the love I have received for these books. These books started off as being a bit of fun, I didn't expect any readers. Thank you all so much. I am open to writing other fan fics so let me know if you guys would be interested in another Chris fic or maybe even a Henry fic because I now have a huge crush on him!


All I felt was warmth and joy in his embrace. It was loving and homely. And in all honesty I never wanted to move. It had been a couple weeks since Jess and Seb's wedding, New York was beginning to defrost from the icy winter. They were due back from their honeymoon any day now. The responsibility of The Rose Room had been left to me and I did not give Jess enough credit at how stressful it is to run the place on your own. Luckily Chris had taken a few weeks off filming and came to work with me a lot of the nights. This only caused more attraction which wasn't fun, but it was comforting having him there.

It was a Friday night, the place was swarming with sweaty bodies. The white spotlight blinded me on stage, I could just about see Chris's figure by the bar with his cap pulled down low. I'd laughed at him for how low he had it on our way over here and he told me he didn't want to take any attention off of me, and that the whole room deserved to be just as captivated by me as he was. His words sent butterflies fluttering in my stomach. I smiled at his barely visible figure in adoration. It was embarrassingly true how much I was in love with him. I was just happy that he was equally as in love with me, he was desperate to prove it every single day. He'd been staying with me for those few weeks and it was complete bliss. We bickered all the time over what movie to watch, but it was never tiering. He would insist on bringing me up a tea in bed every morning as he knew how tired I was after work. We had mind blowing sex all the time, blessing every corner of my apartment.

After my set was done, I walked behind the bar to get myself a coke and found Chris sat on a barstool in the corner talking to Ryan. He clutched his hand to his 'boob' laughing at something Ryan had said. I poured myself a coke and walked over to the two of them. "Hi" I smiled.

"Hey pretty girl, you were great!" Chris exclaimed, leaning over the bar he gave me a light kiss on the lips.

"Thank you. Can I get you boys a drink?" my eyes darted between the two of them.

"I'll take another beer. Ryan?" Chris answered, placing his hand on Ryan's shoulder.

"Yeah I'll grab a beer thank you" He answered. I crouched down and opened the fridge behind me, pulling out two cold beer bottles. The condensation making my hands wet. I popped the lids off and placed them in front of the two men.

"Thank you baby" Chris slurred slightly, standing up to give me another kiss before sitting back down on his stool. I figured that the bar tenders had been feeding him beers whilst I was on stage. Chris was always very affectionate and needy towards me when he was drunk. I always felt a little bit concerned about his drinking at times, he tended to use it as a stress relief and that scared me. After all his drinking led to our breakup. I walked out from behind the bar, his hands instantly found my waist and pulled me between his legs.

"It's kinda late, I can meet you at home if your tired?" I offered. He shook his head in response.

"I wanna stay with you, I don't want you going home on your own" he replied. I smiled softly at his words and pressed a kiss to his lips. Over the music I heard hushed whispers and I glanced towards the entrance.

"Oh you've got to be fucking kidding me" I exhaled. Confused at my reaction, Chris followed my glance towards the door where Henry stood

"Oh fuck no" He stood up, pulling me behind him protectively. Henry spotted us and I could feel Chris's bicep tense.

"Chris" Henry nodded, "Olivia can I speak to you?" he asked. I moved out from behind Chris, he tried to object but I sent him a look and nodded to say it was okay.

"Give me one second" I told him. I reached behind the bar and grabbed my jacket. I lifted the bar hatch up to let me through, I turned to Henry indicating for him to follow me. It was dead silent between us until we reached the balcony. Wrapping my jacket around me tightly, trying to feel some kind of warmth, Henry began to speak.

"Your with him aren't you?" He questioned. It was less of a question and more of a statement. We both knew he knew the answer to it. I glanced at him, "Stupid question, of course you are" he rolled his eyes.

"What do you want Henry?" I asked bluntly. In all honestly I didn't think I'd see him this soon after it all happened, if anything I didn't really think I'd see him again at all.

"I wanted to talk to you" His voice sounded desperate.

"You cheated on me, I ended our relationship. What is there to talk about?" I stated plainly. "If you want your ring back its at my apartment so I can get it to you before you leave"

"I don't care about the ring." He shook his head, "Do you love him?" his voice sounded less pleading and more angry. I felt my heartbeat quicken as his body language began to get more aggressive. I reached into my back pocket and thanked god that I had Chris as my emergency contact. I tried to dial his number not actually knowing if it started to call.

"Yes" I answered.

"I knew it" he spat, " I saw how you looked at him". He began to get closer to me and I backed up till I touched the wall.

"I'm not the one who cheated Henry" I stated calmly. I heard footsteps come up the stairs and I sighed in relief.

"You wanna back up Henry" Chris told him, stepping closer to me in the process.

Henry moved back slightly, leaving enough of a gap for Chris to fit in between Henry and I. They glared each other down. Henry pushed Chris, making it all kick off. Chris went to punch Henry before I got in between the two of them. Breaking apart an almost fight between the two of them once again. "Leave" I barked out at Henry. He backed off and stormed down the stairs.

"Are you okay?" Chris quizzed in concern, holding my face with his hands and bending down. "He didn't touch you?"

"No I'm fine" I assured, placing my hands on his wrists. He scanned my face for any sign of emotion that opposed that. "I promise" I slid my hand up onto his hand to lift it so I could place a kiss to his palm.

"Okay" he exhaled. "I love you"

"I love you" I responded, he pressed a kiss to my forehead and pulled me into his chest.

"I so would of beat up Superman" he stated, making me absolutely lose it and start wetting myself with laughter.

"Of course baby" I composed myself and looked up at him.

"I could of!" he insisted.

"I know" I let out a giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck to pull him down for a kiss.

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