Thank you!

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April 13th, 2021. 7:38 p.m. 

This was when I had started writing Begin Again. 

December 12th, 2021. 8:54 p.m.

This is when I ended writing Begin Again.

9th months [+ 1 week]. 9 months of writing, publishing, reading your comments. These months have been absolutely amazing. And you, yes, the one reading this right now, have a part in this happiness of mine. Because of you all I continued, and that's how I am here today, finally giving a stop to this story. 

I never expected it to have so many reads and votes. Heck I didn't even think anybody will read it. (but people did read.)

Fun fact: Begin Again was originally supposed to be named 'Never Forget You', but after it was changed to Begin Again, I realized how perfectly it fits the story.

No wasting anymore of your time, I'll straight away answer a few questions and get out of here.


~ How do you feel after finishing this story?

:- Finally happy because at least one of my stories here is completed. 

Also, like I achieved something through my hard work. 

 ~ Anything you wanna point out?

:- If you might have noticed, Ash and Misty never said 'I love you' to each other. 

In addition to it...Ash and Misty never really ended up together, if you think of it technically. 

Although, worry not, they love each other and will eventually get there. ;)

~ Favorite line in the book?

:- There are literally many, but if I had to choose, it'd be...

"On the bright side, I get to kiss Ash. On the dark side, I kiss Ash."

- Misty, 2021

What was yours?

~ Any plans for sequel? 

:- Well, I do have two ideas. But I am still not sure about making it because I have got many other books it my drafts, plus this story is good in it's own way, alone.

~Future projects? 

:- Welp- working on a little big something right now, but I won't reveal it just yet. *smirks*

~ Any requests to the readers? 

:- I hope you enjoyed the story, and I also hope that you vote as well. Will mean a lot to me,

and also if any ghost readers are here, don't be a ghost, come on now. I'm not scary, am I? 


I will love it if you guys wrote a review about Begin Again here in the comments(only if you want to). Since this is my first one, I would like to know what you guys think of it, and if I need to make any improvements so that I do it the next time I write a story. After this, I'll just go and mark this story complete while holding my breath. I'll edit it a bit too, whenever I get time.

That's all.

So, until next time, this little lazy procrastinator author says bye to you. 

- Sky

Begin Again (A Pokeshipping Story)Where stories live. Discover now