Friends and Foes

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"I don't know whom to cheer for." Yellow said, grabbing her head.

"Go for your crush." Dawn said in all seriousness.

"Okay, GO RED!!!!!!" Yellow yelled as much as she could.

The match between Red and Misty had started. It was the final, the winner taking home the Pokemon league's Wisdom cup. Misty and Red were having a neck to neck match.

Misty knocked out another one of Red's pokemon. She looked around a bit until Red took out his other pokemon, to see that Ash was still not there.

Where was he?

He had said that he would cheer for her tomorrow. Now, where was he to make that true?

She pushed that thought aside and focused on her match again.

"Ash's still not picking up?" May asked Gary. He nodded, calling Ash on his phone for the tenth time.

"Can't believe he's missing this match." Brock said.

"Do you think he's in trouble?" Serena asked, concerned about Ash.

"I would rather say that he is the trouble. So no, I don't think so." Gary said. "Besides, nothing's wrong."

"Keep calling him." Leaf said. Gary nodded, doing the same.


Ash couldn't believe what he was hearing.

He was what?

"What?" He asked Delia unbelievably.

Delia had been acting weird since she came back from the Yvonne's. It seemed like something was bothering her till her core, and she wanted to let it out, which she finally had, right now.

"I didn't even know about this. He said they had made a contract long ago, before Tyler died. He showed me the papers too." Delia said, her voice cracking.

"I am...bound to marry...Serena?" Ash said, in a completely broken voice. He couldn't believe his dad did this to him for money. If he wanted it, he could've got it from some other source, but he had to do this. He felt betrayed by his father. For the first time in years, he felt unbelievable rage towards his dad, for once he was becoming happy in his life, and another problem just made its way to him, like all the time.

"Why didn't anybody know about this?" Ash asked, trying to sound strong and fighting back the tears, but sadly he couldn't. He was literally sold to someone for their daughter in exchange of money, nothing worse could have happened to him at this point.

"I don't know..." Delia said sadly.

"Why did dad do this to me? To us?" Ash asked again.

"I don't know..."

"Why didn't he tell me at least?" Ash asked yet again.

"I don't know-"

"Do you even know anything mom?!" Ash said, raising his voice a little. Delia had never seen him like this, and in complete honesty, she was slightly terrified by her own son.

Ash, the purest soul she had known in her life, was in rage which had no extent, yelling at her. She felt tears form in her eyes as she lightly sniffed.

Ash, who didn't want to accept this, just wanted this to be another nightmare, fell down on his knees, crying his heart out. He knew the rules of the business world. If a contract is made, and the sign is done, it is bound to be followed.

And he didn't understand this. If Serena loved him, why didn't she tell him directly? Why did her dad have to do this, especially when they were that young? And his dad agreed to this too. He wanted to go into this situation's depth, but he was too broken right now to even lift his gaze up to meet his crying mother's eyes.

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