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Ok so basically something you should know about me is, I can't follow a schedule for my life. So here is another chapter 🤷‍♀️💓


[Steve takes off on his motorcycle; in the Smithsonian Museum there is an exhibit dedicated to Captain

The unexpected sound of snickering caught the attention of the people in the room- Natasha's laughter was soft and amused while Thor's was loud and boisterous.

J looked at them perplexed, he figured that they were laughing at something that had previously happened as nothing he had seen in this moment made him feel like he needed to laugh- he also figured that Thor seemed to laugh when someone else was laughing to make it seem like he was in on the joke. Thor didn't completely understand every joke or everything that happened- Asgard was completely different to the affairs of 'Midguard' and although he may not seem it- he's not dumb he gets the gist of a lot of things it's just that it's not the way he's used to.

Steve really had to stop rolling his eyes at his teammates- 'when the wind changes you're face will get stuck like that' -the faint sound of a woman's silky voice said in the back of him brain. The sound was velvety and motherly.

The Smithsonian Narrator: A symbol to the nation. A hero to the world. The story of Captain America is one of honor, bravery and sacrifice.

[Steve, keeping his face hidden under a baseball cap, walks over to the exhibition]

"I guess that's why you named yourselves Team Cap- the disguise is truly empowering and not at all out of the ordinary." Stark mocked good-heartedly at the poorly disguised future- Steve.

"Be quiet Stark, it's not like any of your disguises were better". Rogers muttered angrily while he glared at Tony.

J didn't know if this was a smart choice but he felt like he needed to contribute- which he must admit was a complete disregard to the fact that there was a chance that he would have to suffer horrible consequences but he decided to do it anyways- pray for him 🙏

"C3PO's got a point." He said ditto voice, earning surprised and curious glances from everyone.

"Great, Stark Naked is out to get me and somehow has gained a deadly assassin as his accomplice." The blond grumbled.

"Are we going to ignore the fact that the Assassin has seen StarWars and not America's 'greatest symbol of hope'?!" Tony exclaimed- the only person he would know to make a StarWars joke at this very moment would be the Kid and well he would make it at anytime so that doesn't really mean anything.

"Yes, we are going to ignore it". You can guess who said that.

Woman on PA: (faintly) Welcome to the Smithsonian. Visitor information booths are available on the second level.

The Smithsonian Narrator: Denied enlistment due to poor health, Steven Rogers was chosen for a program unique in the annals of American warfare. One that would transform him into the world's first super soldier.

[a boy recognizes him, Steve smiles puts his finger against his mouth to indicate for the boy to keep quiet and the boy nods, Steve then watches some old footage of himself]

Old Footage Recording: In this rare footage, everyone's favorite war hero, Captain America...

[Steve goes to the display where there are mannequins with costumes of Steve's old commando squad]

The Smithsonian Narrator: Battle tested, Captain America and his Howling Commandos quickly earned their stripes. Their mission, taking down HYDRA, the Nazi rogue science division.

[Steve walks over to the a display of his friend Bucky Barnes]

J stared- he feels like that's all he could do.

Bucky Barnes was undoubtedly the spitting image of himself, well without all the hair and the obvious scars and emotional trauma.

He was staring at himself and he began to wish that he was that same ruggedly handsome man who looked to be Steven Rogers best friend.

Had he fought in the war? With the Howling Commandos? He was serving in the military- fighting for his country and he was now some deadbeat, washed up mindless assassin that was forced to take orders from literal Nazis.

He became even more disappointed in himself- How could he let this happen to himself?

He was oblivious to the distraught man next to him who's breath hitched as he stared at the screen with sad, blue puppy dog eyes. He was looking at his lov-beet friend for the first time in a long time and it was like a breath of fresh air seeing his beautiful face again but also like Mjölnir had been placed on his chest.

His eyes were teary- he mused him so much.

The Smithsonian Narrator: Best friends since childhood, Bucky Barnes and Steven Rogers were inseparable on both schoolyard and battlefield. Barnes is the only Howling Commando to give his life in service of his country.

These people thought that he was dead- that was a jolt of relief? Shock? Whatever it was wasn't important right now when there was an obviously panicking Cap next to him. We're they friends? That word didn't sit comfortably on his tongue.

"Er, Steve, buddy you alright?" Bruce spoke up for one of the first times since the film had started. He seemed the most concerned- the other were either confused or weren't fully paying attention.
J watched as the tears kept streaming down the blond man's face and wondered why? How could he be that important to somebody?

The voice from the beginning sounded fairly concerned while he stated "Yeah, sorry- my fault- forgot to inform you. James Buchanan Barnes is actually- sort of- alive?"

The voice proceeded to get more and more sheepish as the stumbled on apologies and tried to make up an excuse.

Steve was frozen (like he was in the ice) and had completely shut down as everyone around him realised how big of a deal this was.

"James is alive. Bucks alive. How is he alive- I watched him fall- I." Steve jumbled his words and his stuttering became noticeable, he was crying even more now. The assassin- James- watched him break down silently, wishing he could do something to help.

It took a good half an hour for Steve to fully calm down- but he still seemed to be in a vulnerable state emotionally and every collectively agreed to give him some space.

The screen clicked back on and everyone was still stuck on the fact that a man who was meant o be dead for over 70 years was now somehow alive.

[Steve watches an older looking Peggy Carter being interviewed]

James watched Steve's reaction to the woman- he felt a pull in his chest, it was a horrible feeling- it disappeared as soon as the other man showed no outward emotion to the other woman's arrival. The Captain still looked out of it, still in shock by the reveal of Bucky Barnes' current condition of not being dead.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2021 ⏰

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