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This chapter is dedicated to Titaniumthefifth

For their continued support on a brand new book 💙
Have a video to keep yourself happy:


Steve nodded towards the man, who then looked towards thor and proceeded to start a one sided conversation, and said "I'd assume we've been kidnapped, just don't let your guards down- be ready for anything." He then looked towards Natasha and Clint. "Have either of you seen something like this before?" The two glanced at each other- reading each other's expressions, for what J didn't know but he could tell the two were close-the shook their heads.

"Sorry Cap, but nothing like this has ever happened to us before. Not even Tony knows anything either and he's known to have the most kidnappable  personality ," Clint shot towards Stark- all in good fun but with a hind of seriousness settling into a velvety tone of his voice.

There was a sudden high pitched wining noise that infiltrated the peacefulness of the white room. This caused not only the assassin to flinch slightly, but the humans to physically jump from their spots- J was always on guard and it seems that these other people had let themselves relax- a rookie mistake that leads to 3 days of lashings.

The noise had somehow turned into a figure of what seemed to be a middle aged man- short black hair, the brightest blue eyes and a trench coat.

"Hello." The voice that sounded was gravely yet smooth- almost alluring, it was the complete opposite to the mans soft looks. The group and J had all tensed and turned to face the tall-ish man who was standing like this -> (I'm not sure how to explain it)🧍🏻

"Where are you?!" Steve commanded, his voice strong yet the strangers mere presence seemed to take any of Steve's dominance away- made him look small and feeble despite being a few inches taller than the other man.

Tony then  stepped forward, "who are you exactly, other than a knock off Constantine?" And of course the mans comment was witty- what else would it be...

"That is not of import. The only reason I am here is to help you realise your future, what you need to change and to reconcile with old friends" the man spoke in a monotone voice yet you could feel your eyes glued to him- you could take your attention away from him even if you wanted to. J could practically see the cogs turning behind Steve's eyes as he tried to figure out the cryptic words.

"Why did you bring us here?" The blond asked him sternly. "Give us a proper answer, no riddles."

The man- to his unending credit barley blinked at the man- was so clearly annoyed but answered the question anyway. " I brought you here so you could watch your future. There are events that you should prevent, so I brought yourselves and someone who I would like you to meet. Please come and join us, it is rather irritating that you are so far away."

The group of superhero's glanced around them quickly, uncomfortable that they hadn't noticed a sixth person in the room with them. J didn't want to move- he hated to admit it but he was quite comfortable in his position
, it seemed that when the man came in out of no where, a wave of warmth scattered along his scars and damaged skin and stopped the aching.

The brunette squinted his eyes and tilted his head and his face was serious- intimidating if you will. "I understand that you are uncomfortable with confrontation, however I have to ask you to join us, you can sit wherever you would like if you don't feel like standing."

J realised he had no other choice than to follow the strange mans orders and slowly began to join the group- their reactions has differed from one another.

Natasha had gone into instant self-defence, which Clint immediately copied as he realised that his best friend thought that they were in danger.

Tony, Thor and Bruce looked mildly uncomfortable and unsure of themselves when their eyes caught onto the greasy locks of a shy looking J, who kept his head down not wanting to look anyone in the eye and cause worse of a reaction than he already has.

Steve. The poor old soul was just staring frazzled at the man who stood at the same height as him- not that he could tell, J was progressively shrinking into himself and used his arm and body to protect vulnerable parts of his body that would most likely be attacked first. He still get off about the whole situation but figured that ever since his brain had been wiped, everything felt and sounded either familial or completely foreign.

He doubted it was Hydra that brought them there- if it was J wouldn't of been able to do anything that he had previously done, but he felt the need to comply and the longer he stood there the longer he became worried of the harm that would come to him if he didn't listen. He remembered when he had the courage to stand against his captors, then the beating that followed shortly after those rebels like it happened  only yesterday.

The memory's of the torture, the Cyro tank and the feeling of being frozen alive hung over his head as he raised a hand to his face to make sure his mask was secured onto him.

The Constantine look alike quickly stated, "he cannot hurt you in any way, and neither can you. No one had their weapons- other than the metal arm- which is also useless if it were to harm another person." His voice became pointed, "now all of you sit. Sit yourselves down."

Natasha shook her head, stiff as a rod, "but that's The Winter Soldier! He's not going to just not kill us!" She exclaimed, eyes never moving from the still form of J while Clint eyed both of the assassins wearily contemplating both his and their moves.

"He's not gonna hurt you. He's like a lost puppy." The contradiction was stern but had a cooing edge to it at the end- the noise that followed after the statement was a groan of regret, it has seemed that it wasn't just J that found the man to be uncomfortable sharing what he was inherently feeling.

Natasha looked unconvinced but forced herself to relax, thus causing Clint to relax himself too. The Soldier kept his head down, hair covering his face and kept quiet. Acting as he would when he was being faced with his Handler

"Just sit down." The angelic looking man grumbled.

The current Hydra assassin complied automatically, he ended up next to Steve which bothered him. He didn't want to be forced to think of trying to remember why the name Steve felt familiar to him every time he looked away from the screen.

Next to Steve was Natasha, then came Tony then Bruce and Thor and lastly Clint.

The newest man let out a muffled sigh as they sat down and said, "Now if you'd all kindly refrain from killing one another, that would be greatly appreciated... no matter how annoying Clint and Tony can be are rumoured to be."

The man then promptly disappears is a filter sound of wings and the screen flickered on and started out with a bright white.


Okay so next chapter is the start of the reactions- these  may take a bit longer to finish and publish than these ones only because I want their reactions to be as realistic as possible.

I hope you enjoyed xxx

Avengers watch The Winter Soldier Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora