E.R &

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Lizzie's Pov

I heard the lock click so I pushed the front door open, and walked in.
I dropped my bag and took off my shoes.

"Robbie?" I called out into the house but got no reply.

"Is he in work?" I muttered as I walked to the kitchen for some water.

As I walked in I saw a note. It was from Robbie saying there was an emergency at work so he had to go in.

I sighed and threw the note in the bin then flopped onto the couch and turned on the TV.

Not long after my phone began to ring. I smiled when I saw who it was.

"Hey y/n!" I said happily

There was silence for about 20 seconds so I decided to speak up again.
"Y/n? Helloooo..?" I furrowed my brows when again, I got no reply

"Okay if this is some sort of joke then-" but I was cut off by a groan from Y/N.

"Oh- oh hey! You picked up! Oh shit did I pass out? Not important- basically I- oh for fucks sake it's on my clothes. I really like this t-shirt! Trust me to wear a white t-shirt then get fucking blood on it. Anyway I've gone off track. Basically; help." Came y/n's voice down the phone.

"What-" I asked

"Can you take me to the E.R?" She asked

"Oh my god what have you done now" I asked frantically as I rushed around the house grabbing my things.

"It's Scarlett's fault she made me fall off the counter now I've got blood on my floor. Which is going to be a nightmare to get out by the way, this is wooden floor I've got here."

"Where is Scarlett now" I said, throwing jacket and shoes on.

"She left to go get laid" she replied nonchalantly

"Right- well I'm in the car now driving to yours, don't move from where you are" I said hanging up, don't want to get into a car crash do I.

Y/N's Pov

I put my phone away and just sat there, leaning against the wall, waiting for Lizzie to get here.

I'm assuming that I've got some sort of adrenaline rush, as I can't feel anything right now.

After a little while I heard the door being thrusted open, then something crashing, then a string of curse words and panicked footsteps.

"Don't tell me you broke something"
I called

Lizzie rushes into the kitchen and gasped when she saw me.

"Oh come on don't be a wuss it's not that bad." I rolled my eyes.

"Have you seen yourself?!" She said wide-eyed, walking towards me.

"Wow if you said were going to call me ugly you could've said it straight up."

"No! No- that's not what I meant. You're not ugly in the slightest. But I meant have you seen your injury?" She corrected herself

"No. You told me not to move." I replied in a duh tone

She got out her phone and took a picture of me.

"Oi what was that for" I complained

"To show you" she said, turning her phone round so I could see the picture.

I had blood right down the side of my face from my eyebrow and my lip was split.

"Eesh." I said as I observed the picture.

"Come on let's get you to the E.R." She said, grabbing my arm and helping me up.

"Yknow, if we were in the UK, we would call it A&E" I said randomly

"Good for you" she said, just trying to get me out the door to the car.

"I've never had a cut on my eyebrow before" I said as I locked the door and walked towards her car.

We got into the car and Lizzie started driving.
"Well judging by the look of that cut it will leave a scar" she said, pulling out of my driveway.

I groaned but Lizzie just smiled and kept her eyes on the road "Don't worry," she said "it will be a sexy scar"

Time skip

Lizzie had taken me to the E.R and I'd got myself patched up and told I could leave.
Lizzie was right, it was going to leave a scar but right now it just had butterfly strips on it because you can fuck right off if you think I'm getting stitches.

Lizzie had dropped me off and gone back to hers after repeatedly asking if I was going to be okay on my own but I assured her it was just a cut and I'd be fine.

I opened and closed my front door and immediately went and got changed, binning my t-shirt which had quite a lot of blood on.

I walked to the kitchen to begin cleaning and saw my phone was blowing up on the counter.

I then got a call from the head of my PR team so I answered it quickly.

"Oh thank god we've been trying to get a hold of you forever where were you? You've got an interview tomorrow with Glamour at 11:00am so don't be late" they said quickly then hung up

"Okay then-" I said as I put my phone away.

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