Frisk and Chara x Reader Part 2

Start from the beginning

Unfortunately for you, you were too busy looking out for your phone that you ended up tripping over yourself and crashing onto the floor. (Good job) Screaming, you felt your ankle twist in the bad direction. The footsteps slowed to a stop. Laying there, you looked up at the figure.
You still held back your tears even as you said, "Fine, asshole. Kill me and get it over with already."
You hear them sigh as they shook their head. Your confusion and horror only grew as they pulled down their hood. Your eyes widened in horror as the person revealed themselves.
"F-Frisk?" You asked softly. They just smiled at you. "Ah, well, this isn't how I wanted things to go. You really made things difficult, (y/n)."
"Excuse me? What?"
You then heard footsteps coming from your left, causing you to turn your head towards the sound.
"Chara?" Your voice cracked as they walked closer to you.
Groaning, Chara looked over at Frisk. "Did you really have to break their ankle? And for fuck's sake, why are you dressed like a creep?"
Frisk shrugged. "What? You told me to find a way to get them and I did. Albeit I didn't intend for them to get hurt, but it makes our job easier." Frisk looked down at you as they continued speaking to Chara. "You did take care of it right?"
Chara nodded as they crossed their arms. "Yeah it's gone. This time for good. I was tired of dealing with that bitch over and over again. Even if we have to reset things again, I don't think she'll be coming back."
You laid there, completely confused and tired. It didn't help that your ankle hurt like hell.
"Would someone please explain what's going on? Please. I'm scared."
Chara looked down at you. "It doesn't really matter at this point, (y/n). All you need to know is that we're taking you home. We'll fix your ankle too."

Frisk crouched down next to you. "I'm sorry to have had scared you like that, but I don't think if we explain things to you right now you'd be happy. We'll tell you the story later okay? So just let me carry you home."
They tried to reach for you but you swatted their hands aside, too angry and tired to deal with this.
"No, I want answers now. What the fuck are you two up to? What do you mean "reset"? What have you been hiding from me?! What happened to Lisa and why are you here?!"
"Don't bother." Chara cut Frisk off. "If they don't want to listen, then we'll force them. We usually have to anyway."
The last thing you saw was Chara's fist coming straight towards your face as the world goes black.


You sat in the gray basement next to Frisk. They sighed as they watched you push the tray of food away.
"(Y/n), you need to eat something. You haven't ate anything for two days. I'm worried about you. You're scaring me, love." They said as the gently stroked your cheek, causing you to look away from them. Frisk heard the basement door open as Chara walked down the stairs.
"Still nothing?" They asked as Frisk shook their head. Groaning in annoyance, Chara crouched down in front of you.
"What's your problem? Just eat something already. Do you really want to die that badly?"
You kept silent much to the twins annoyance, one more so than the other. Grabbing a spoon full of food, Chara held it in front of your face.
"Come on, all you have to do is eat. Eat all of it and we'll reward you."
You looked up at Chara.
Chara knew they had your interest so they continued. "That's right, Frisk and I will do something nice for you. Nothing too big of course, but something doable."
You looked down at the chains around your arms and your good ankle before looking back up at Chara.
"We can't take off all of them, but if you eat we'll take off the one around your ankle." Frisk added as Chara brought the food slightly closer to you. Deciding something is better than nothing, you held your hand out towards the spoon as Chara pulled it away.
They grinned. "Nope, I'm feeding it to you or you don't get it."
"Only half of their meal you will." Frisk said, slightly glaring at Chara. "I get to do the other half."
Chara huffed and brought the spoon back to where it was before. "Fine."
You blushed and slowly opened your mouth, feeling extremely exposed. Chara slowly slid the spoon into your mouth, careful not to choke you. Your mouth closed around the spoon as they giggled.
"Aw, (y/n), you're too cute. I almost can't help myself." Once you swallowed, Chara pulled the spoon away and handed it to Frisk. They smiled as they scooped some food onto it.
"See (y/n)? Life with us isn't that bad. You'll learn to love us soon, I'm sure of it." Frisk held the spoon towards you. "We'll have a nice wedding and an even better honeymoon. The three of us will be together forever with no one else trying to steal you away again."
You opened your mouth again.
Frisk's smile widened. "Ah, you look so precious. If I could, I'd take you right now." Placing the spoon in your mouth, they looked over at Chara. "But I did promise Chara that we'd wait until we got your consent for that kind of thing."
Chara nodded as you swallowed and shivered at the thought of what they meant by "that kind of thing". Frisk pulled the spoon away from you and placed it in the bowl on the tray. Frisk stood up. "I'll go get the key. You're doing so well, (y/n), keep it up okay? I love you." Frisk made their way up the stairs and out of the basement. Chara smiled gently at you. "So? Does this mean you'll give up? Or will you start fighting back later down the road?" They moved closer to you and ran their hand in your hair softly. You flinched and Chara glared at you.
"I see... that's fine. It doesn't matter how long it takes, you will understand that you love us. That we're meant to be. That you don't have a choice." Chara said as Frisk returned. Frisk held the key up and waved it side to side.
"(Y/n), look what I got~" They said as they sat down next to you. Your eyes locked onto the key as Frisk laughed.
"Aw, we'll aren't you eager? You still need to finish eating." They leaned in closer to you, a large grin stretching across their face. "And maybe if you kiss me and say you love me, maybe I'll remove one of the other chains-"
Chara cut them off. "Ah. Frisk, don't get ahead of yourself. They'd have to do it to both of us."
Frisk rolled their eyes but nodded none the less.
You bit your lip, unsure of what to say- if you should say anything at all. You were scared of how they'd react if you did something "wrong". Then, you thought of the one sentence that might just make your life a little easier. Something they'd both want to hear. After two days of silence, you finally spoke.
"Fine. You both win. I'll do whatever you want. I quit."

A/n - I don't know why, but every time I try to write normal romance it quickly turns into a yandere story. I don't even plan these things out, it just happens. I am incapable of doing normal. I'm sorry about that. This is the first time in a while I've done a two part story, so hopefully it wasn't too bad. Have a nice day/night/afternoon.

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