4. Peace and Mayhem

Start from the beginning

"Did you ever get nervous, senpai?"

"Yes. But once I'd start running the uneasiness would disappear, replaced by concentration. You?"

"It's fine when it's just a practice competition but otherwise I get extremely nervous. I always keep vomit bags with me just in case, I even have some now."

"That nervous huh?" They both giggled quietly.

Their bonding and pleasant conversation came to an abrupt stop as all hell broke loose.


"NAKAI-SAN! Did you say vomit bag?! Can you give me one? PLEASE!" Hinata shouted from the back of the bus, looking a sickly shade of blue. They were sitting far apart but it seemed like the urge to puke had given him super hearing powers.

"He's been like this from the beginning. You better go to him or he'll puke on someone," Tobio scoffed.

"NAKAI-CHAN! FAST!" Tanaka screamed. He was sitting next to Hinata, trying to calm him and he did not want to become the victim of puke.

"SHIT! HOLD ON!" Hiromi shot out of her seat and bolted towards him, bag ready in hand but she was just a second too late.

Hinata emptied all the contents of his stomach onto Tanaka's pants, ruining them and his hopes of not becoming a human barf bag. It didn't stop there. Hiromi got a first class, high definition view of the great puking tangerine. The sight and smell of someone's partly digested food was too revolting for her to handle. So of course, she felt like puking too.

She clamped her hand over her mouth to hold it in. She tried to move away from the eye scarring scene but ended up falling on the floor and rolling to the front. At least, she was away from the puke.

The bus was in an utter frenzy. The third-years tried to calm everyone down but it was all in vain.

"STOP THE BUS!" someone shouted.

Tobio ran towards Hiromi and lifted her from the ground. He rubbed her back and snatched the bag out of her hand, holding it to her face. "Please, not you too! Take deep breaths! WAIT NO! On second thought, cover your nose properly!" He realized that he wasn't helping. 

"STOP THE BUS!" the ones who were still sane shouted as that was their only hope.

Finally, the bus stopped. Hiromi rushed out just in time to spill her guts in the women's toilet. Tanaka got a new pair of trousers and everything else was taken care of. For the rest of the way, Hinata and Hiromi sat together in the seat of shame and they reached their destination without any further complications.

"We should have done this from the beginning. The two nervous shrimps could've helped each other with their disgusting puking tendencies. It would've saved us so much time and trouble." Tsukishima commented, getting off the bus.

"SHUT UP!" the two shrimps shouted indignantly.

"Why? I'm making a valid point." Right then, Hinata ran off to the bathroom to puke again. "Hence, proved," the salty blonde said smugly, satisfied with his accuracy.

Tobio was on the verge of killing Hinata for being so unnecessarily nervous, the only thing holding him back was Hiromi and Sugawara. Daichi massaged his head, hoping against hope that the match would go better than the bus ride.


It didn't.

With Hinata arriving late from his trip to the bathroom and messing up multiple times, the game was problematic. The worst and most hilarious part was when he served the ball straight into Tobio's head. Tanaka and Tsukishima started laughing and teasing them, making matters worse. However, to everyone's surprise, Tobio hadn't ended Hinata's life right then and there. Instead, he managed to finally calm him down in his own terrifying way.

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