
380 21 13

Hushed whispers wake Willow from a deep sleep.
At first she is certain that it is Ethan's voice talking to someone on the phone, but once the fog of slumber lightens around her and her senses are more aware of her surroundings, she spots Ada quietly talking to Pip.

Here voice still laced with sleep, Willow calls out to her roommate and friend that now diverts her attention from the cat to her friend.

"Oh Willow I've missed you so much", she jumps up on the couch and wraps her arms around the blonde girl.
They started as roommates but quickly turned into friends within the first month of living together.

Ada adores Willows art and always begs Willow to draw something for her, herself having no artistic talent whatsoever.

Together the two girls spent countless nights on the cozy couch in their living room, eating cakes from the blue Mocha and singing along to the music they both enjoy so much.

"I missed you too", Willow sighs into her friends red hair, it's true, she forgot how much she missed Ada with Ethan here but she really did miss her friend.

"Where is he?", Willow wonders out loud when her mind wanders back to Ethan and she gently pushes Ada off her body.

"Willow, there is nobody here", Ada murmurs and gently places her hand on Willows upper arm, rubbing small circles onto her skin to show her support.

"He just left?"

Her heart sinks, the heavy situation pulling at it strings and pushing it under the waves of sadness that just emerged.

Ada doesn't say a word but shifts on the couch so that the two girls can face each other.

Willow had never felt sadness this heavy, he just left her without saying goodbye, she feels betrayed.

"Tea will help", Ada reaches for Willows wrists and pulls her off the couch, gently pulling her into the kitchen where both girls spot the handwritten letter on the kitchen table.

"Here is your closure"

Willow sits down on the kitchen chair and draws her legs up to her chest, unfolding the paper and reading the words within seconds.

She doesn't know what to feel, she hates that he just left her and she hates how it makes her feel.

Ada is patient with Willow, let's her tears drop onto her pyjama shorts and into her peppermint tea.

From time to time she offers her a tissue, encouraging words to stop her friends heart wrenching sobs.

"We'll just message him", she states while Willow blows her nose and makes a whining sound at her friends suggestion.

"No Ada, he left he doesn't want anything to do with me", she mumbles and picks at the skin around her nails, nervous habit from her childhood that she never managed to get rid off.

"Willow have you even understood a word he wrote?", Ada raises her voice, a rare thing for her to do, she's usually so calm and collected.

"He didn't just leave because you got on his nerves, damn it Willow he left because he thinks that somehow he'll put you in danger by being with you! What the hell happened? Are you dating a criminal?"

Willow cracks a little smile and shakes her head, taking a deep breath before explaining everything to Ada.

"You are dating Ethan Torchio?", Ada squeaks in delight and presses a hand to her mouth.

"I am not dating anyone!"

"We'll message him!", Ada gets her phone from her bag that she left in the hallway and starts typing on it until she suddenly stops.

"Willow...", she starts a warning tone to her voice and the blondes heart sinks down to her feet.

What did she just found out that makes her mood change in an instant?

Maybe he has a wife and children back in Italy, maybe he is a professional liar and heartbreaker.

Damn you for not having any interest in the world of the rich and famous Willow!

"You might want to see this", Ada hands her the phone and keeps her eyes glued on her friends.

"They posted the pictures", she sighs and runs a head over her face, taking a minute to sort her mind out.

"He doesn't want people to know who you are. Not because he's embarrassed of you but because he's scared of what him being famous might do to you", Ada concludes after taking her phone back from Willows shaking hands.

"Message him", Willow sighs again, probably for the millionth time since she woke up.

"There's the possibility he won't get my message", she murmurs, knowing her friends dislike to social media and her lack of knowledge about them.

"Then that's it", her voice is quivering but she's trying to convince herself.

Maybe he is right and she should stay away from him to stay hidden.

Leaving Ada in the kitchen she heads to the bathroom and into the shower, letting the cool water run over her body and mix with the hot tears that rush down her cheeks.

She's never felt that kind of heartache before.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2022 ⏰

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