chapter 2

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The plane seemed to take a while, but it was finally going down the runway to take them to the New York airport. Atticus was going to make sure that Darla remained happy during this trip. Cherry decided to wait with the Fudo siblings until her sister or their aunt and uncle would arrive to take them to their designated locations. Darla seemed happy to see Cherry again and happily told her she was attending school now and she had a best friend named Amber, who was actually found out to be the niece of Roger and Anita with the Dalmatians. They were all now waiting for Cherry's sister and Atticus, Jessica, and Darla's aunt and uncle. 

Cherry's sister came first. "TERI!" she happily ran to the adult woman.

"Cherry!" Teresa smiled back, hugging her younger sister.

Darla couldn't help but notice that Cherry and Teresa didn't really look alike that much. Atticus and Jessica noticed this too. 

Teresa smiled from the hug and looked over, catching their weird stares. "What?"

"You guys don't look like each other..." Jessica said. "Is one of you adopted?"

"Actually, Cherry and I are half-sisters." Teresa replied.

"What does that mean?" Darla asked.

"We have the same dad, but different mothers, but we're still sisters, even if we don't have the same Mom." Cherry concluded.

"Cool." Atticus said.

"Well, we need to get going, we'll all get to know each other better a little later." Teresa waved.

"Bye, guys." Cherry said, then left with her sister.

"Bye, Cherry!" Darla waved, she was in a better mood now.

"Bye, Cherry." Atticus echoed.

The three then kept waiting. There came a woman with her short-ish light brown hair and aqua green coat and a man beside her with black hair and a curved mustache, wearing a dark brown suit with a matching hat. 

"Aunt Stacy, Uncle Jeffry!" Jessica recognized them instantly and happily ran to them.

Atticus and Darla joined in. 

Stacy hugged Jessica real tight, then she hugged Atticus and looked down. "Oh... And who is this?"

"This is Darla," Jessica introduced them. "Our family adopted her back in April."

Jeffry looked down to Darla, she looked familiar. "I feel like I've seen this child from somewhere..."

Darla looked like she was going to be sick to her stomach. Was he going to hate her too?

"Well, welcome to the family, Darla." Jeffry gently ruffled up the girl's hair.

This calmed Darla right down. Jeffry and Stacy took their nieces and nephew to their car.

"I hope you all like turkey, because I have one waiting for us at home for our supper." Stacy told them as she sat while her husband took the wheel and drove them to their house after packing the trunk with personal belongings.

"I love turkey." Atticus said.

Darla licked her lips. "I love turkey... Though it makes me sleepy."

Jessica giggled a little. "Yeah, that'll do it."

Stacy smiled as they went along, she then found herself thinking about the kids, and about her own and sighed. 

"Stacy, it'll be alright... It's all over now..." Jeffry calmly told his wife.

"I know... But... We were so excited..." Stacy couldn't stop thinking about her little dilemma, but she tried to cheer herself up since she had company now.

Cherry, Atticus, and the RescuersWhere stories live. Discover now