Chapter • 2

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K-9 unit & detective Valentina Wolf'S POV
K-9 - Zeus

"Valentina, you and Zeus are needed at north side club, there was a shot out" says the chief, he nods at me. "There was a shooting, three people dead. They need a k-9 dog to sniff out if there is anyone there. They found someone but they said there's someone else"

"Yes sir" standing I head towards the kennels and stop at when I see the big bold letters saying Zeus. "Zeus ready to go hunt?"

Watching as he slowly comes towards me with his ears drawn back, he instantly perks up when he sees it's me and comes bounding towards me. "Hey buddy" smiling, i opening the gate and grab his chain leash. Clipping it to his collar, i head towards my Jeep.

Opening the doors I let him jump in and grab my vest from the back, sliding it on, I start to slide all the things I need in the holsters. Once I'm finished I get into the Jeep and start to drive towards the north side club.

Stopping. I climb out and head towards the chief that stands there.

"You the K-9 unit they sent?" He asks with distaste.

"Sir if you have a problem your going to have to talk to my chief" I say. "What is going on here?"

"We found this man, his names Lucifer Morningstar, he claims that this is his club. He says there was a shooting and one of his friends are still in there" says the chief. "I want the dog to go in there and search for the missing friend"

Turning I head to the Jeep and pull out Zeus. "Zeus look for Mr. Morningstar'S friend" I say Unclipping Zeus's leash. "Find. No attacking"

Watching him race off into the building I head over to chief I raise an eyebrow at him. "Where is Mr. Morningstar?" I ask.

"He's over there talking to detective Vincent" he replies pointing towards a tall broad shoulder man.

Heading over to detective Vincent and the other man. I stop beside them. "Vincent I can take it from here" I say holding my hand out for the pad, he huffs and slams the pad onto my hand along with the pen. "Great let's see. Name, Lucifer Morningstar. Age, 26. This is your building and there was a shooting here"

Tapping the pad, I look up at him. "Anything else to know?" I ask as my green eyes lock with his midnight black eyes.

"You must be Detective wolf, in the K-9 unit?" He asks with a lazy smirk, rolling my eyes. I put my hands on my hips.

"Mr. Morningstar, I asked a question" I say clenching my jaw. "Is there anything else I need to know? Or we need to know?"

"Detective Wolf" he says. "There was one thing actually"

"Which is?" I ask motioning with my hands for him to continue.

"You're dog is hunting a bad man" he says just as Zeus starts to bark.

Turning, I race towards the building and burst through the doors, pulling my gun I start to walk forward, heading towards Zeus's barking.

"Down buddy" I hear a male voice say as a loud growl echos around. "It's okay"

Stepping into the room, I point my gun at a black man who Zeus was barking at. "Zeus down!" I demand as the man jumps and turns to me. "Put your hands up and don't move!"

Watching as he raises his hands, his face stays frozen, as his eyes remain on Zeus.

"Zeus come" I say patting my chest twice, he comes towards but he snarls at the man. "what's your name?"

"It doesn't matter" he says sweat coating his face. His eyes widen when they see someone behind me.

"Doesn't look like you got this one detective" says a husky voice near my ear. Jumping I spin to see Lucifer standing there while petting Zeus. "I like you're dog"

Glaring at him, Lucifer ignores me and walks towards the man, locking eyes with the man. "What's your name?" He asks.

"Uh, um, it's Carol" he stutters shifting from foot to foot.

"Carol" says Lucifer, he turns away from me and towards Carol, so his back Is facing away from me. "What do you desire the most?"

"Um, I want to die. I want god to take me and never let me return to this horrible world" says Carol his eyes looking shaded, he shakes his head and gapes.

"Why are you here, Carol?" Asks Lucifer. "Why did you come here tonight?"

"I was hoping I could go upstairs, and jump off the building"

Staring at Lucifers back in shock, he turns to me and winks. "We know this man did nothing wrong"

"Mr. Morningstar" I say sticking my gun in the holster on my hip, I cross my arms. "It's time for you to head back outside and continued to be questioned. And for you Carol, you need to come with me and be questioned and possibly put in a helping home"

"Zeus continue to search" I say leading the two men out of the building. "Chief, this man claims he was trying to take his life. I'd question him and than put him in one of those suicidal homes that can help him. As for Mr. Morningstar, he needs to be continued questioned. I'm going with Zeus to check the rest of the building"

Turning I start to walk but stop when Lucifer speaks up. "Why don't I come with you Detective?" He asks. "I know that place, I know where all the best hiding places are etc"

"Good idea Mr. Morningstar" says the chief, he nods at Lucifer. Groaning I lead the way inside and whistle, hearing the clicks of Zeus's claws as he comes running towards me, i pat my chest once he reaches me. Sitting he looks up at me.

"Good boy" walking past him, I pull my gun out and start to search the rooms.

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