chapter 1

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Jessica was checking the mail since she was the first one awake and she flipped through the envelopes and saw something that made her eyes lit up. It was from New York and from someone very close to her family. She decided to be the one to open it and she took out a letter from a couple named Stacy and Jeffrey. Unknown to her, Atticus was now walking downstairs.

"Hey, bro." Jessica greeted as she smiled at the letter.

"How did you know?" Atticus asked his older sister.

"I might be a mother someday," Jessica chuckled. "I got superpowers like Mom."

"True, but, so do I, remember I don't only have skills as a detective, but I also have superstrength, anyways, what's that letter you got there?" Atticus asked her.

"It's from Aunt Stacy and Uncle Jeffry." Jessica showed him with a smile.

"Cool." Atticus said.

They then began to read the letter.

"'Dear Emily and Patrick,

It's been a while since we last seen each other. Stacy and I really hope your kids enjoyed their little presents from the heart for their Christmas. We really missed you and we're sorry we weren't able to come, but we were in the hospital, trying to see if Stacy could have the child she and I always wanted. Unfortunately, nature had been cruel to Stacy and she had a miscarriage... If it isn't too much trouble, would you be able to send your children over to visit us? They wouldn't be a burden, we love them like our own, you know where we are and please call or mail us back soon.

Best regards, Jeffry Sullivan.'"

"We've gotta give this letter to Mom and Dad." Atticus said.

"Yeah, it's for them." Jessica nodded, agreeing.

Finally, Emily woke up with a yawn.

Darla came behind her, climbing into a seat at the breakfast table, holding her head in her chubby little hands. "I had a dream that I went back to Hollywood and everyone hated me..."

"Oh, sweetie..." Jessica held her adoptive younger sister.

"Don't worry, Darla, it was just a nightmare." Atticus said.

"Why did I have to be such a brat?" Darla sighed.

"You were just lonely, you had millions of admirers, but no family," Jessica patted the girl's curly blonde hair. "It's all in the past now and we all love you."

Darla then smiled. "Really?"

"Absolutely," Jessica smiled to her. "Now, who wants some breakfast?"

"I do!" Darla beamed.

Emily smiled, she was going to make a nice, healthy breakfast.

Darla took the cereal box, she sighed a little. "I kinda miss seeing my face on merchandise..."

"You'll be fine," Jessica assured. "Also, Mom, you got a letter from your sister."

"Yeah." Atticus said.

Emily took the letter with a smile and murmured as she silently read it to herself, she looked concerned to hear her sister had a miscarriage, but thought it would be nice if Atticus, Jessica, and Darla would visit her and Jeffry in New York City. "Well... You guys ARE out of school for now, so I see nothing wrong with it."

"We're going to the Big City!?" Darla sounded so excited.

"Wahoo!" Atticus beamed.

Jessica smiled, she was excited, but since she already knew about this, she didn't clap or cheer like her brother and sister.

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