Chapter 3: Tony Fucks Up... Bad

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It all started in the middle of an all out brawl. The Jets were fighting off another new gang, the Emeralds, that were trying to take their territory.

Riff had knocked some kid out and was standing back for a moment, watching the fight with an almost smirk, when he was yanked roughly to the side. He managed to keep his footing and turned, ready to beat the snot out of whoever had touched him, but when he saw what was happening, he stopped dead.

Tony was standing in front of him, facing one of the Emeralds. The latter had a small silver switchblade in his hand and Riff's stomach did a backflip when he realized what had happened; the Emerald had been trying to attack Riff from behind, 'A coward's move,' he thought disdainfully, and Tony had shoved him out of harm's way.

He watched as the two circled each other, the Emerald with his blade drawn and the Jet with his fists raised, when he was suddenly grabbed from behind. After a moment of fruitless struggling, he directed his attention back to Tony, who was also being restrained.

The Emerald with the blade laughed and socked Tony in the gut, before turning to Riff.

The kid swiped forward with the knife, leaving a deep scratch on Riff's face, just under his eye.

'That's gonna scar,' he thought dumbly, before an almost inhuman sound reached his ears, forcing his attention back to his surroundings.

Tony had ripped himself away from the guy restraining him and was charging the kid with the blade. Riff tried to get away from his oppressor, but the Emerald held tight. Eventually, he gave in, watching the fight unfold before him.

What he saw scared him more than he would ever admit.

Tony wasn't playing around anymore, there was no circling, no assessing, no thinking, just a savage hunger to attack, to maim, to hurt in every way possible. Usually, when Tony fought, he stuck to the rules, unless he felt the rules needed to be bent a little, but this... this was unlike any street fight Riff had ever seen. Tony was kicking, punching, elbowing and kneeing every part of the kid he could reach.

By the time Tony had the kid pinned down, there was blood everywhere. It was soaking through both of their shirts. Tony could feel it's wetness covering his arms, almost up to his elbows. It was dripping from the Emerald's hair, a puddle steadily growing under his head. But Tony couldn't bring himself to stop. He just kept pounding his fists into the kids face, fueled by pure, unadulterated rage, even though the Emerald had long since given up, and by the way his whole body had gone slack, he was probably unconscious too.

Riff was so distracted by the fight, if you could even call it that, that he didn't notice three pretty important things. One was the very confused boner he had, that was a problem, his moral compass wasn't exactly strong, but he knew enough to be ashamed of being turned on by the bloody sight before him. Two was the fact that he was no longer being restrained, whoever had been holding him back had run off. And three was the fact that finally jolted him out of his stupor, he could hear sirens.

"Tony. Tony!" In his mind, Riff was screaming his name, but in reality it was a hoarse whisper.

He stumbled over to the two boys, everyone else had run off by then, and grabbed at Tony's wrists, begging him to stop.

"Tony, kid, you gotta stop." Riff pleaded, dropping to his knees, trying and failing to stop Tony's attacks. "Tony, please! You got him, now sto-"

He was cut off by a fist connecting with his jaw.

The impact of it sent him sprawling to the floor, where he stayed for a moment, trying to catch his breath, until he heard Tony's voice and sat back up, one hand gingerly assessing the damage to his face.

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