Chapter 13: That's A Wrap

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Tony looked up from the paper he was reading at the sound of the door slamming. 

"How're the guys?" He asked Riff with a smile. 

"Better." Riff flopped onto the couch. "John's goin' back ta school and Action's workin' at a garage with Diesel." 

Tony smiled. "Kid's gonna do somethin' great someday. I guarantee it." 

Riff nodded with a hint of pride. "And Ice is movin' downtown." 

Tony mock gasped and put a hand over his heart dramatically. "No. How could he?" 

"The traitor." Riff smiled fondly. "And, uh, Diesel and Mouthpiece are splittin' rent." He said with a hint of forced casualness. 

"Good for them." Tony nodded absentmindedly. 

"In Greenwich Village." 

Tony blinked in surprise. "I... gotta say I wasn't expecting that." 

"No one was." Riff stretched and put his hands behind his head. "Oh! Tiger's gettin' married. And Grazi and Thelma moved to California." 

Tony leaned over the back of the couch to look at Riff. "So they've all been pretty busy, huh." 

Riff shrugged. "I'd say so. And what about you, kid? What'd you do today?" 

"Grabbed some more groceries." He grinned suddenly. "I fucking love this system. Everything's free, 'cause nobody's got money."  

Riff threw a pillow at him. "And nobody's got money, 'cause money don't exist here. Its fuckin' weird." 

Tony lifted Riff's top half off the couch so he could assume his position as Riff's pillow, then fold his hands behind his head and lean back comfortably with his eyes closed. "It's paradise, Riff. Just drink it in." 

Riff eyed him slowly. "Is that an invitation?" 

Tony smirked. "Maybe it is." 


"Why'd I agree to go on a walk again?" Riff asked as they walked down the street. "I'm pretty sure I was about to get laid." 

Tony rolled his eyes. "You agreed, 'cause I asked, dumbass." 

"Oh right!" Riff said sarcastically. "So why'd I say yes?" 

Tony grabbed Riff's hand and spun him around in a mock twirl, catching him in a waltz position and kissing his forehead sweetly. "'Cause you love me." 

Riff laughed happily and leaned up to press an affectionate kiss to Tony's neck. "Who wouldn't?" 

"Shut up." Tony blushed, wrapping an arm around Riff's shoulders as they kept walking. 

"Riff? Riff Lorton?" 

Riff turned to face the voice. It was a guy - about his age, but much shorter - in a red and black shirt with suspenders and a hat like Mouthpiece's. He looked vaguely familiar but Riff couldn't place from where. 

"Do I know you?" 

"You tell me." The guy smirked and stuck out a hand. "Sean Conlon." 

Riff's eyebrows shot up and he shook Sean's hand. He floundered for a moment before asking, "What got you?" 

"Hit by a car." Sean said nonchalantly. "What about you?" 

Riff's mind went completely blank. How had he died again? "Natural causes." 

Tony was giving him a 'what the fuck' face."You were stabbed!"  

Riff turned back to Sean. "Never mind, I was stabbed." 

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