Chapter 7: Domesticity And Shit

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Tony was once again stocking the shelves at Doc's when someone very familiar walked in. 

"Sargent," Valentina greeted. "Can I help you with anything?" 

Tony blinked in confusion. "Officer Krupke?" 

"Hrrmf." Krupke grunted. As was expected. "I'm here on behalf of your parole officer. He's supposed to check up on you, but he's sick. Believe me, if I could be anywhere else, I would be."

"Oh, alright." Tony shuffled his feet awkwardly and glanced at Valentina for guidance. "Where do you want to start?" 

Krupke rocked back on his heels and glanced around the shop. "I'll check around here first, then I'll need to see where you've been staying." 

The boy nodded, slinking over to stand next to Valentina while Krupke checked around the shop. Once he'd finished, Tony opened the door to the basement and showed him his little almost-room. 

"Should I go upstairs?"

"Nah, stay," Krupke grunted. "You make good conversation."

He opened a drawer, flicking through its contents and stopping at a Polaroid picture of Tony, Riff, Ice, and a few of the other Jets. "You know, he came into the station everyday, that kid."

Tony looked up in surprise. "Who, Riff?"

"Yeah," Krupke nodded. "And everyday it was the same question, 'When's Tony getting out, Officer Krupke? When's Tony getting out?'" Tony's throat constricted and he swallowed harshly. "Every stinking day. Then, when you was actually out, I thought he'd finally leave us alone, but nope. Next morning, same as always, 'When's Tony getting out, Officer Krupke?' And I told him, I said, 'He's already been released' and-" He stopped talking and stared at the wall as if remembering something unpleasant.

"And what?" Tony prompted, genuinely intrigued.

"And he was all... happy. It was weird." Krupke seemed to shudder at the memory. "He went back to normal after I told him you'd been released the day before." He laughed suddenly. "You know, I was a little worried for you, kid. He seemed pretty upset that you hadn't tried to see him. But it all turned out alright. Even that mess at the dock..." He whistled lowly.

"Yeah..." Tony agreed mindlessly.

Krupke patted him on the shoulder. "Well, looks alright here, kid. Just keep your nose clean and you'll be fine." He strode out of the room and up the stairs, whistling as he went.

Tony sat down heavily, running a weary hand through his hair as his mind raced.

Riff had come into the police station every day (a risky move for a gang leader) just to ask about him.

He had been 'weirdly happy' when he learned Tony was out.

Then he was pissed when he learned Tony hadn't come to see him.

The mess at the dock? What the fuck was that about?

He sighed, he'd need to ask Riff about that one. 


"Don't worry about it Tony." 

Riff was leaned against a wall just outside of Doc's, cigarette in his hand, watching while Tony carried boxes back and forth. 

Tony set a box down, glancing back over at Riff. "Don't gimme that bullshit, buddy boy." 

The shorter just looked away, focusing on his cigarette. 

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