"Let me g-go!" he demurred, in between sobs. The person picked him up despite his constant kicking and thrashing. After about 5 or so minutes, they set Tubbo down on a chair. He looked up and this stranger, ready to reprimand them, but had stopped in his tracks. He looked into the eyes of who he thought was his perpetrator, and was met with beautiful pools of ruby and emerald staring back at him. All Tubbo managed to do was stare, for he felt as if he were paralyzed. The look in their eyes wasn't one of ill intentions, it was one of confusion and sympathy.

"Are you alright..?" they asked, with such an accent Tubbo had never heard before. He opened his mouth to speak, but alas, nothing had left. Giving up on words he simply nodded, embarrassed that he couldn't even say anything.

"I'm, I'm alright. Thank you.." Tubbo spoke at last, fumbling with his words to his embarrassment.

The mysterious stranger stepped back, and Tubbo was able to get a good look at them. They were tall, very tall. They had skin that was two separate colours, which was something Tubbo had never seen before. Most of their skin was a, dark brown, that looked like it shone and glistened in the light. The rest of their skin was a light tan, similarly to Tubbo's skin tone. They had soft lilac hair, that fell in all the right places, to perfectly frame their face, which had quite a soft expression. Tubbo believed that he looked atrocious compared to the beautiful stranger in front of him. His auburn mop of hair that ever so slightly covered his eyes, which were  an odd shade of green. A giant scar across the left half of his face, which made him think he looked ugly and monstrous. And not to mention that he was significantly shorter than most people aboard their ship. Quite a few of them were over 6', while Tubbo stood at a mere 5'6"

"Uhhmm, so are you going to keep staring at me or what?" they asked, turning away from Tubbo's gaze. He immediately realized, and turned away, face red from not noticing earlier.

"Sorry.." he mumbled with a soft, and clumsy tone.

"It's fine. So, you're probably wondering who the hell I am, huh?" The stranger chuckled.

"Yeah actually. You kinda kidnapped me and now I have no idea where the hell I am." Tubbo spoke sassily. The strange person raised their eyebrows at him, which Tubbo presumed was out of curiosity.

"Well uhm, let's see. Uh, my name is Ranboo. I'm, I think 18, and I go by they/them incase you were wondering what my pronouns and stuff were. You probably weren't. Sorry I'm-"

"You talk too much you know that right?" Tubbo interrupted them mid sentence.

"No I do not." They scoffed folding their arms, whilst also rolling their eyes, which were quite beautiful to Tubbo.

"Whatever you say bossman. Anyways. I'm Tubbo. I'm also 18, aanndd, yeah that's about it." Tubbo spoke slowly, not knowing what else to say. Ranboo nodded, as if to say they understood what he just said.

"Do you live on this ship?" Ranboo asked after a minute or so, tilting their head slightly to the side.

"Mmhmm. Lived 'ere for 5 years. Damn I've been here forever." Tubbo said slightly more to himself than to the tall beauty standing right in front of him. Tubbo couldn't help but continue to admire their complexion.

"Oh. Well, I'm from the ship Nightmare. And boy is our captain quite the....odd character."Ranboo breathed out, giggling at their choice of words. Tubbo laughed along with them, merely because the fact that their laugh was so contagious. He then got some form of deja vu hearing that name. Nightmare. Then it hit him.

"WAIT!! YOU'RE TELLING ME, THAT YOU LIVE ON THE SHIP THAT FUCKING DREAM'S THE CAPTAIN OF?! HOOLLYY FUCKING SHIT" Tubbo shouted. This startled Ranboo, and they slightly jumped at hearing this. They placed a hand on their chest, not knowing what to say or do.

"Y-yeah, I mean, I don't know why that's such a big deal to you, but okay." They said, lowering their hand to their arm.

"Oh, shit. Sorry dude. I'm just, completely shocked with the fact that you are living on the same boat as Dream. He's one of Techno's best friends, and happens to owe a few favors to Techno, which I am now realizing is probably why you're here." Tubbo rambled on. Ranboo didn't seem to mind all too much.

"Tubbo?" a voice called from behind Ranboo's back. It was a very concerned and confused Fundy. Tubbo waved gently towards them, signaling they could come in.

"Hey.." he spoke shyly.

"Could you leave for a bit, Ranboo?" Fundy asked. Tubbo was quite taken aback by that sentence. How did Fundy know Ranboo? Tubbo could only guess the ways. Ranboo nodded and left the room, quietly shutting the door. Once they left, Fundy sat down, and placed a hand on Tubbo's. No. No no no no no no...Tubbo knew exactly what was about to be said, and he didn't want to try and accept the fact that,

Wilbur is......gone.

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