Chapter 2

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Emma POV
Killian and I finally had a decent date. Last night was unreal and I'm glad I got to sleep at his place. Waking up next to him just felt right. I feel like our relationship has gotten very serious lately. I love him a lot... I never tell him though. I wish I did...

Emma's phone rings, it's Henry.
E- Hey buddy what's up?
H- Mom!! Oh my God!! Mom... you have to come down here! I found a dead body... I don't... Oh my God it stinks... You have to get here now!
E- Woah! Henry slow down! Where are you?
H- I am at the town line... The body it's just out side... You need to call someone since it's not in Storybrook.
E- okay. I'm on my way.


Booth, Brennan, and Emma all pulled up at the same time... Of course booth and Brennan couldn't see Emma and Henry, but Emma really needed to talk to them, since she is the one who reported the body. The only way to do that was to step over the town line and appear out of no where. Emma decided to go into the woods and appear like she came out of the trees.
Not sure that was going to work she said," Henry stay here, you might need to let me back in."
Emma and Henry were pretty much the only people that could leave town mostly because they weren't hit by the evil queen, regina's curse 30 years prior.

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