"I'm just going to go to the bathroom - I'll be right back," Maya said, leaning down to give Carina quick kiss before she left.

As Maya walked away Carina took a moment into to reflect on the past few days - some of the best few days of her entire life. She took the stem of her wineglass between her fingers and looked outside, her eyes casting over the ocean and the small myriad of twinkling yellow and white lights from a nearby town that the pair had visited the day before. She couldn't believe how lucky she was - to be here, in this beautiful country, married to the love of her life - she couldn't imagine anything more perfect that this right now.

Meeting Maya had changed her life in so many ways - all of their friends at the fire station spoke about how much Carina had impacted the fire Captain's life but the reality was Maya had done exactly the same for her.

When Arizona had left she had felt so many things, at the point in her life she thought she found something special - apparently the world has some very explicit ways of telling us what is right for us and what isn't. So when the paediatrician left for New York Carina thought she wouldn't find anyone else - that the only person she could ever see herself having a life with had gone, until a white wine in a bar had lead her to find her true soulmate. The person she'd always been destined to find.

Maya had taught her the importance of a chosen family, despite having Andrea she had surrounded herself with her chosen family and for the first time in a while she felt like she had people around her, that she wasn't alone.

She'd taught her the importance of honesty and communication, being able to effectively talk with their partner was something they'd developed together and it had worked wonders for their relationship - no secrets, no lies, only the truth.

Maya had shown her a love that she'd never experienced before, a passionate, gentle, sensual, all consuming, caring, affectionate kind of love; it had been hard at times and they'd had to overcome a lot of obstacles and unexpected truths during their journey, but it had made them stronger, better.

It had elevated their love and made it reach levels they never thought could have existed. So for two people who had been pretty much sworn off of relationships, knowing how far they had come only made Carina smile in overwhelming  joy and happiness.

Who could have thought a drink in a bar could have led to her being married and having her honeymoon in Mexico? Certainly not her - but she was more than happy to prove herself wrong every so often.

Just as Maya walked out of the bathroom she accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm so sorry," She apologised.

"Maya!" The woman said, realising who the blonde was.

"Michelle! What are you doing here?" Maya asked, recognising Andy's cousin from the fire station as well as a family BBQ she had attended.

"I'm on a trip with a few friends - college tradition," She replied, her eyes roaming down Maya's dress. "You look nice."

"Oh - thank you," Maya replied, realising where the conversation was heading - this wasn't the first time Michelle had flirted with her.

"You are always welcome," She winked in response. "So are you still with the Italian?" Michelle asked getting straight to the point while looking Maya directly in the eyes, almost as if she was undressing her right then and there.

Maya was about to answer when she felt two arms wrap around her waist.

"Married to the Italian," Carina interjected with a fake smile so wide Maya bit her lip to stifle her laugh.

"I see," Michelle said, clearly annoyed by the interruption. "Well I guess congratulations are in order."

"Thank you - I could't have asked for anyone better to be in love with," Carina replied, her Italian glare coming into full effect.

"I better get back," Michelle said. "Bye Maya," She waved with a wink. Maya figured she was a brave woman, taking her chances saying that in front of Carina, but she was still trying not to laugh and the whole situation.

Once Michelle was out of sight, Carina turned to face her wife. "Can you believe her?! Flirting with my wife - how dare she?!"

"I agree," Maya nodded, letting the Italian rant as she kept her smile to herself, she always thought Carina looked very attractive when she ranted and got annoyed, but she wasn't about to tell the brunette that.

"I shall be talking to Andy about her cousin, tell her to make sure she leaves you alone! I know people you know! Powerful people - I am Italian after all, and Sicilian at that!" She said, pointing her finger at nothing in particular.

"Okay Mafia boss - why don't we just take a breath," Maya said, taking a step towards her wife, placing her hands on her face. "You know I only have eyes for you...you are the only person I will ever want and no one else can take that away. I love you," She affirmed, giving her a passionate but short kiss.

"I love you too," Carina replied, resting her forehead against the blondes. "Sorry I went all Italian crazy."

"Hm I found it very attractive," Maya whispered against her lips, guessing that telling her now would go over better.

"Wasn't the intention but I will take the result," Carina smiled.

"Now - how about dessert?" Maya suggested, giving Carina one last kiss before she took her hand and walked them back through the restaurant towards their table.

"Still dating the Italian?" Carina mimicked under her breath, making Maya throw her head back with a laugh before shaking her head and smiling - god she loved this woman.

"Anyone else you think we will run into?" Carina said as they walked past the moonlit pool hand in hand, returning back to their hotel suite.

"I didn't know I may have seen Jack walking around," Maya joked, getting a glare from her wife. "Right okay. Not funny. Got it."

"I hate you." Carina declared, although her hand didn't leave Maya's.

"Ah that's a shame, because I kinda love you," Maya replied, pretending to be sad - pulling out her best 'puppy-dog' eyes.

"Hm maybe you can convince me to change my mind?" Carina replied, the corner of her lip between her lips as she looked down into Maya's bright blue eyes. Somehow they were even brighter in the dark.

"I wonder how I could do that?" Maya asked, pretending to think.

"Oh I think you know," Carina laughed.

"I might have a few ideas," Maya said, her voice dropping as she stared back into chestnut brown the air around them suddenly very hot.

Oh what a fun honeymoon they would have.

A/N: There we have it! Short and sweet - this was fun to write and I hope you enjoyed getting to read!

So the prompts that I sort of smashed together were:

- Honeymoon; running into Todd again which were from katherinelindsay18

- Then meeting Michelle - (I can't find who wrote this so if that was you, I hope you enjoyed!!)

So, I have around two more one shots to do (inc. A little bit yours part 2!) and then I would love to reopen submissions or invite you to all drop your prompt ideas - so get thinking, I can't wait to read them all!!

Thank you all for reading,

See you next time!

Marina Oneshotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن