the power goes out

Start from the beginning


The sound of the radio playing music was faint in the background as Michael hummed to himself and stood in front of the stove with a spoon in his hand and stirring the sauce he was making dinner for tonight. "You want ketchup as well?" He asked without looking behind, already heading towards the fridge. A small hum came from you which Michael took as a yes, ready to open the door to the fridge but as he started to pull, all the lights went out and silence hit the room, only small bobbles coming from the still hot sauce. "What the hell happened?" He placed the sauce away from the hot stove to cool it off, without electricity he couldn't finish the dinner. He took a look back at you to see your vulnerable state, looking around at the place in almost fear, and not a single word coming from you. "Wait, what's wrong?" Michael asked, cocking his head as he looked at your frozen state. "Nothing." You lied, trying to shrug it off but Michael didn't bug, and wanting to know what was bothering you. "Please tell me." He pleaded, reaching out for your hand before intertwining your fingers. You hesitated for a moment before letting out a sigh, "I'm afraid of the dark. There I said it, you can laugh at me now." You admitted, the blush coming to your cheeks, not that Michael could see it though. "I'm not going to laugh at you." He said with a warm smile, caressing your cheek. "Everyone is afraid of something." He smiled, placing a soft kiss to your cheeks. Michael stayed there for a second before an idea crossed his mind, making him pull back before looking at you wide eyed. "Hold on, I have an idea." He exclaimed, starting to speed off towards the stairs and running up towards the bedroom, roaming through a few things and coming back after less than two minutes. He came back with a pile of blankets and a few candles to lid up. "What are you doing?" You chuckled as you watched him starting to pull some chairs together in the dark before throwing the blanket over it. "Making a blanket fort." He chuckled, placing some blankets inside the fort before taking some pillows from the couch. "One more thing, just go inside." He requested and sprinted back to the kitchen to get the last things while you took a seat on one of the blankets, resting your body on your stomach. "See." Michael smiled and showed you the bag of marshmallows in his hand, the other hand having two forks and a lighter. "What is your idea?" You questioned with a giggle, moving aside so he could rest next to you on the blanket, watching him as he lit up the candles before opening the marshmallows, taking out two and placing it on each fork. "We're grilling marshmallows. To get your mind off." He said with a warm smile before kissing your cheek, looking at you lovingly. "That's really sweet of you." You commented, resting your head against his arm. Michael kept on smiling down at you until your eyes went wide, nodding your head towards his marshmallow that was already burning. "Oh shit." He commented starting to blow on it which made you laugh. "Doesn't matter, just makes it crunchier." Michael joked, taking a bite of his marshmallow and smiling over at you again, happy to help you off your fear.  


Ashton's head was pressed against the soft material of his pillow behind him as his eyes were glued to the screen in front of him on the king sized bed in your bedroom, his hand wrapped around the remote to the TV as he zapped through channels to find something interesting. The faint sound of water running came from beside your bedroom where you were taking a shower right before you guys were ready to sleep and Ashton had to occupy himself meanwhile. Ashton kept on pressing the buttons to the point of him almost fall as sleep but he didn't have the chance to find any channels before everything turned down and things went quiet, his eyes wide as he looked around at the room in darkness. "What the hell?" He mumbled to himself, sitting up on the mattress and it didn't take long for you to realize what had happened which made you turn off the shower. "Ashton, are you messing with me again?" You yelled, which made Ashton shout back, "No not this time, I think the power went out!" There was no response, but Ashton could hear that you were getting out of the shower and two minutes after you came out of the bathroom in confused, a towel around your head and around your waist. "What happened?" You asked which Ashton shrugged his shoulders at. "I think it happened to the whole city." He mumbled, looking out of the window. "Dear god, now I can't finish my shower." You sighed irritated, pouting over at Ashton but he seemed to have other plans.  "You don't have to stop the showering now." He smiled, which made you furrow your eyebrows. "What do you mean?" You asked, securing the towel around your body. "There's still warm water, right?" Ashton asked, but not expecting an answer as he went back into the bathroom. "I think so, why?" You asked confused, following him back into the dark bathroom. You eyed him as he placed the plug in your bathtub and started to fill it up with warm water and a smaller bit of soap. "I just wanna make use of this." He said with a giggle before disappearing into another room, coming back after a few minutes with a whole bunch of candles. He placed them around the bathtub before lightening them all up with a lighter he had brought along. He took a look at his finished project with a smile before looking back at you. "Wanna join me for a bubbly cozy shower?" He asked, leaning his head against his shoulder to look more cute and inviting. "Can I say no to a nude Ashton?" You joked, taking off the towel from your head and letting the towel around your waist fall down to the ground. "Nobody can." Ash said cocky and wiggled his eyebrows at you before giggling as he stripped off, shaking his head by his own words. "Of course not with those drummer abs." You mumbled as you walked past him to take a seat in the bathtub, Ashton following along afterwards, the two of you covered in bubbles to the point of almost seeing the small part of your shoulders and then faces. It was both goofy and childish but also quite romantic as you both shared jokes, gave each other massages and basically had random talks until the water was getting too cold for you guys and the clock striking past midnight.


A/N: Hey hope you enjoyed and don't forget to follow @fiivesecondsof1D (follows back) THANKSSS

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