Chapter 4: The visitor

Start from the beginning

I sighed at Nightmare continuing to call me 'Kid'. " If you don't stop calling me Kid then I'll start calling you Noot until you stop. " I jokingly threatened with a light laugh.

" I could easily kill you, you know. So don't call me that, kid. " Nightmare shot back, looking a lot more frustrated at the idea of me calling them 'Noot' while still having that grin on his face.

And I took that as a challenge, " Says the hallucination, unless you're gonna try to kill me with your glare since you can't with your hands, Noot. ".

It was quick, I hardly even registered Nightmare's movement, the movement of one of the black tentacles as it whipped over at me. All I could do was flinch, and then the next moment I'm being held aloft by my throat.

The only thing that I could do for the first few moments was stare down wide-eyed at Nightmare; I can feel the constricting grasp that Nightmare's tentacle had around my throat. If I wasn't already speechless then I'd be struggle to breath, the hands that were at my sides quickly latched onto the black, gooey tentacle that was wrapped around my neck.

But all the while as my body reacted out of instinct, I had a single thought bouncing in my mind.

He's real, right in front of me...

And strangling me!

Blinking back to reality instead of staring off into space, my gaze snapped to the tentacle that was currently wrapped around my throat and that it was attached to Nightmare's back.

Nightmare didn't say anything either, just looked up at me with an amused smirk across his face. Was he expecting me to apologise?

I was panicking, was he seriously going to kill me because I called him some ridiculous sounding nickname?!

Runnings wasn't an option here, this place is just white as far as the eye can see, so I can't flee from him. But I can't fight either, he's more powerful than me by a metric shit load and I doubt I have a determination soul so resetting isn't something I can do either.

Trying to gasp for air I still had a tight grip, even digging my nails in as I tried to kick one of my legs high enough to try and get Nightmare to let go of me.

My vision was beginning to darken, spots on the border of my vision and closing in when I was suddenly dropped, choking while trying to get as much air into my lungs that could fit in there without making them burst like balloons.

On my hands and knees I blinked the darkness from the edge of my eyes while trying to regulate my breathing in some sort of way. I could practically hear my heart drumming in my ears, my mind was racing with thoughts as I tried to rationalise my current situation.

But paused upon realising that the only sound I could hear was my breathing, quickly looking up where Nightmare used to be I was met with nothing but white. I was completely alone once more, the only sound that I could hear was of my own breathing and rapidly beating heart in my ears.

" No... " I barely whispered through my sore voice, my eyes darted around in a desperate search for the monster who was here a moment ago. My hand lifted to my neck and I confirmed that Nightmare had been here; I wasn't just hallucinating or dreaming because I could feel how sore my throat was not to mention to puddle of black goop on the floor from where he had been.

I couldn't help but be glad seeing and feeling the physical proof that I wasn't just losing my mind here and had started to hallucinate.

Letting a laugh slip from my lips I felt so relieved, I wasn't going crazy after being here by myself for so long. I could care less about the fact that Nightmare just tried to strangle me to death because I was just glad that he was actually real to begin with.

Real... and no longer here anymore.

Swivelling my head around, I couldn't see Nightmare anywhere at all. He had left me here to be all by myself once more... All I could do was stare off into the white horizon that I had grown all too familiar with over my time here.

This couldn't be happening, not again, I can't go back to being on my own again. Alone with nothing but my thoughts and this endless white around me. " Please... " I sputtered under my breath, silently begging for the first piece of communication I've had for weeks to come back.

Rolling from sitting on my knees to my bum, bringing my knees up to me chest in a tight hug. But it wasn't as if I could travel around the Undertale AU's and timelines and so had no way to leave this place.

I lightly laughed to myself as I imagined myself being able to open those iconic glitchy portals, much like Error is depicted as doing in the different comics I watched online back when I was alive at home.

Like when he'd open a portal to Underfell in order to steal Fell Sans' chocolate.

However, when I opened my eyes after imagining the funny image in my mind and jokingly waving my hand to imitate waving open a portal.

I was stunned to see a glitchy looking portal right in front of me leading to an area with lots of snow and tall spruce trees.

My eyes were wide as I stared at the other side of the portal that I didn't know whether or not I had created. Though I felt a small smile grow across my cheeks when I felt the small, chilly breeze that hit my face and made me snuggle into my jacket and neck of my turtleneck.

Continuing to stare at the portal I pulled myself from the ground and to my feet, wobbling a bit due to the mixture of slight exhaustion from getting strangled and nearly passing out along with the fact that I have done nothing but lay down and think for the past couple of days.

But I didn't need to be told to when I approached the portal, I didn't care which AU I was going into as long as I could interact with other living beings and never go back to that endless white hell for a long time.

And so stepping through the portal, I relished in my joy as I felt and heard the crunching of the snow beneath my boot, ignoring the creeping cold climbing up my back due to that same snow as I didn't even notice that the portal had closed behind me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2022 ⏰

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