Chapter 5: And What Have We Done?

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December 7th,

I ended up sleeping in until 9 that morning. I woke up to the scent of waffles and maple syrup pouring in from the kitchen. I sat down at the table and began to pour the warm syrup onto a stack of 2 waffles my aunt had prepared for me. I ate strawberries and orange juice along with my breakfast. I always enjoyed coming to new york and having my aunt cook, versus the plain oat cereal I would eat at home.

"Planning on visiting your friend today?" She inquiries

"I need a new book" I reply "I finished my old one"

"I should have suspected this would be a 2 book trip" she jokes

After breakfast is over I take a shower and get dressed. I head down to the bookstore and we wave at each other as I make my way over to the mystery section. I scan the shelves. My eyes land on a book named "why women kill". I read the back cover and discovered it's a book about psychopathic behaviors found in women. Odd. I continue searching and end up getting a murder mystery set in a summer camp. I check my hair in the reflection of the shiny metal book cart.

I start walking over to the checkout desk, excited to see her. When I was about 8 steps away I stopped. She was there talking to a teenage boy. The boy was tall with fluffy black hair. He wore a muted Hawaiian shirt and black jeans. "A friend" I affirmed to myself while beginning to slowly walk up to the counter. She and the friend laughed and talked. The only time I had seen that look in her eyes and on her face was when she was talking to me. As I approached the checkout desk her eyes moved from his to mine. She whispered something into his ear and turned to me. I placed my book on the desk and got out my money. She carefully picked up the book to scan it.

"Be right back sweetie" exclaims the man, kissing her on the cheek then walking off.

Realization set in my turning stomach when I realized that this was her boyfriend. I could taste jealousy and disappointment in my mouth. All the work I had put in to get closer to her. All the time we've spent together. Meant nothing for she was in love with him. I could feel my heart beating fast but not like how it had before. I still liked her. I still felt the need to do anything for her and I still felt the lust I had always felt for her. I knew I needed to find a way to work around him. I finished checking out the book and rushed out of the store. I still say goodbye to her of course.

I walked back into my room and slammed the door behind me. I slumped down against the door and buried my head into my knees.

I sat there limp, trying to think of a solution. Millions of ideas run through my head. I knew I needed to calm down and think straight. I wasn't ready to let her go, she was the only one that made me feel okay. I need to do whatever I can to make sure she won't go.

I picked up my book and began reading in an attempt to calm my racing mind. I picked up my book Summer Camp Slaughter. Not the most comforting book I'll admit but I needed a way to calm down. I picked up the heavy hardcover and smelt the new book smell, sending a calming feeling through me. I began reading. The first chapter is about a girl who was pushed out of a treehouse to her death. I put the book down and decided to take a nap. I was woken by my aunt calling for lunch. My face was puffy and red but no one questioned it. I finished eating and went back into my room and saw a message on my phone.

Unknown number: Hey it's Sage

Even after what happened, I was glad to see her messages.

Hey sorry I was eating lunch

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