Yuuto blinked and looked up at his friends. He placed a bookmark into his novel and then made his way over to his close friends. Hiroki was eagerly talking about how his mother talked for hours about how good UA's food was, and he was so excited for lunch. Katsuko tried to hold it together. She didn't want to blush at how Hiroki was still hugging her tightly and that her temper was trying to take control.

"You two should get off the ground." Yuuto told them. "Other people can't get in because you're blocking the entrance."

Hiroki blinked and stood up quickly. He looked very apologetic and nervous when he saw he had been blocking his classmates from entering. Frantic apologies and bowing occurred from him as Katsuko stood up.

"Moron." She clicked her tongue and then looked out at the desks.

"I save you both a seat by me." Yuuto told them both. "We had a good chance of being together after all."

"This is going to be great!" Hiroki declared with a determined face. "Time for the next generations of Midoriya, Todoroki, and Bakugou to finally start writing their hero stories!"

"You're too loud for the morning, Hiro..." Katsuko whined and followed Yuuto over to the desks.

Yuuto slipped back into his seat by the window, but in the first row. Katsuko hummed and took the seat right behind the white-haired boy. Hiroki slipped in right next to Katsuko without a second thought. Looks like they had claimed their spots for the year.

Small chatter came from their little group, but it didn't last long as the rest of their class had by now filed in and were staring at the trio, though the three were unaware.

"Excuse me?"

The conversation stopped, and all three turned to look at the girl with the glasses who had just been wiping down the clean board. She looked orderly and was exuding a 'no-nonsense' attitude. Her red glasses were pressed perfectly on her and her sleek fuchsia hair was just as neat and went down towards her lower back.

"Oh. Hi!" Hiroki greeted with a smile.

"Hello." Yuuto nodded at her.

"Hey." Katsuko waved at her.

The girl inhaled slowly and then gave them an intense look. "I couldn't help but overhear... but are you three actually related to the top three?!"

"Her personality switched." Yuuto muttered and was elbowed by Katsuko.

"Yeah!" Hiroki nodded, answering the question over Yuuto's comment luckily. "I'm Midoriya Hiroki, Deku's son. The calm boy with the white hair is Shouto's son, Todoroki Yuuto. And finally, we have the fiery daughter of Ground Zero, Bakugou Katsuko!"

"Hicchan." Katsuko whined and pressed her hands onto her face. "You need to let me boast myself up."

Hiroki laughed. "Ah, right. Sorry."

"The answer to your question is yes." Yuuto told the girl.

"Incredible!" She spoke with even more excitement. "To think I'd be able to call the children of the top three my classmates! I am both honored and worried about my academic and heroic standing and class has not even started yet!"

"I'm sure you'll be fine." Hiroki chuckled awkwardly.

"What's your name, glasses?" Katsuko asked her and the girl looked shocked.

"I haven't said yet, have I?!" She inhaled sharply and tears prickled in the corner of her eyes. "I have been so rude to not only the children of the top three... but also my new classmates! Please forgive my discourteous discussion with you all thus far!"

Expecting the Unexpected (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Domestic Pregnancy AU)Where stories live. Discover now