How about a baby?

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What the fuck was that? I didn't know how to feel, considering that has never once happened to me before. I was embarrassed even reliving it in my head and I sure as hell couldn't go out there and face Beau. She was very understanding, however I felt as though I wanted to climb down the fire escape.

I decide that maybe I should seek medical attention, something could really be wrong and I just wanted to see what it was as early as possible.

So I text Dr. Kingsley, much too embarrassed to call.

I've got a concern.

My knee bobs up and down as I await for his answer, and I hope that it's not so late that he's asleep, I'll forget about my embarrassment and call him. Thankfully, he texts me back no later than two minutes.

I'm all ears. Or...eyes?

I bite the inside of my cheek. What the fuck am I supposed to say? My fingers hover above my keyboard until I begin to type away my concerns.

I've just had sex, or at least tried to and it sort of...went away.

I wanted to poke my eyes out, it felt like I was going for a physical check up with my mother and he had asked if I'm sexually active. The memory still haunts me to this day. I know this man since I was 15, I've taken several women for birth control implants and check ups and all of a sudden, I'm shy?

Are we talking about erections here?

I roll my eyes.

I figured it was pretty obvious.

It could be that maybe you've had a hard week, maybe stress? I told you not to stress too much.

No, it's not that. It has never happened to me before.

It was bound to happen at least once in your life, Harry. These kinds of things are normal. The last time I saw you, you were a healthy thirty-one year old. If you'd like me to check you, just come by my office tomorrow morning.

I confirm the appointment and set my phone down and just as I was running my hands through my hair, Beau opens the door. "Harry?" She speaks softly. "Dinner's going to get cold, come join me?"

I figure there's no way I would escape this, I would just have to swallow my embarrassment and get out there. I put on my shirt and have dinner, wishing it over with soon.

"Well," Dr. Kingsley says as I sit on the hard bed. "As suspected. Healthy."

I shake my head. "This doesn't make any sense," I say. "There's got to be something there." I refused to leave this room until I get answers.

"When did you say you stopped taking your antidepressants?" He asks, looking over some papers on his clipboard.

"About two months ago."

"Huh," He hums. "I would've assumed it was maybe that, but you say that it hadn't disrupted your sex life before?"

"Not if I took them every other day."

"And have you consumed any other drugs as of recently?" After he says this, he looks up. "Marijuana, LSD, Cocaine?" Shit. So this is Elija's fault. My silence answers him. "For fucks sake, Harry." He breathes out. "When was this?"

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