Chapter Twenty Nine:

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Helloooooo, reader!

How is your day? Mine is peachy!

(Jake P.O.V.)

We are finding pediatricians today. Well, it is mainly Amy. I just say something useful every now and then.

Amy hands me a paper and pen.

"Look like you are doing something useful." She says.

I am going to draw a bunny.

She is asking many questions.

Ears first. I mave an long upside down u.

Now for the circular head.

I could never draw circles. Slowly, slowly, YES I GOT IT PERFECT!

Body. Ovals are easy. I like ovals. I draw an oval. The Head, ears and body is done.

I make a weird foot shape. I repeat this for the other side. Bunnies need feet.

The bunny needs eyes! Eyes it gets!

Nose, whiskers, and something else. It needs a tail!

I draw on the tail.

This looks hideous.

Amy looks over.

"That looks hideous." She writes.

"I was thinking the same thing." I whisper. "What do you think?"

"She is the doctor we are getting."

"We would like to be in this practice." I say, sounding professional.

"Okay, here is the paperwork."

Amy takes the paperwork, and we go home.

Jake and Amy PeraltaWhere stories live. Discover now