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For the first time in weeks I wake up to someone next to me. I immediately try to jump out of bed, but I'm stopped by another standing over me, pushing me back down.

"Niall?" I look up, to his smiling face, turning around I try to see who's next to me, "Zayn."

"Harry! How are you?" Niall says, sitting on the bed next to us, Zayn stays over the covers, as I'm underneath.

"I'm holding on." Barely. Suddenly I get flooded with questions in my brain.

"What are you doing here? How did you get here? Why are you here? Does school not exist anymore? Who let you in? Is my mum okay?" Many more questions flood me, I'm not even surprised if they don't answer.

"Good morning to you too." Niall starts.

"Do you not know what day it is today?" He asks, sitting down, "And your mum is fine, we just skipped school today."

"Todays Friday, right?" My dates have been messed up recently.

"What month?"

"Januar- oh shit." I look at my alarm clock on my bedside table, it reads-, "February 1st."

"Have you been to caught up to forget it's your birthday?"  My birthday.

So much has changed since my last birthday, my whole life style has flipped upside down it feels.

"Oi- Stop with the dwelling, Harry. Let's go look at your new shit, yeah?" Niall shakes my shoulder, snapping me out of it.

"Okay." I know deep down I don't have any 'new shit' well from Lottie anyway, she's spent every quaking minute awake with me.


I get pushed down the stairs by Niall behind me, Zayn stays asleep in my bed. He hasn't been sleeping for what Niall's told me, he needs this.

"Happy Birthday, Harry." Lottie immediately hugs me, "Well boys,I didn't think you could get him up. The first time I tried, it took a solid hour to get him out of bed. Where's Zayn?"

"We left him to rest, you know." Niall says, jumping over the back of the couch onto the front. I run my tired eyes before walking around to sit on it, still l half asleep.

"I know it's not much but..." Lottie hands me a bag, two more rest on the coffee table, "This is from me, these are from your mom and my sisters, they wanted to be here but they had school." She sits down on the other side of me.

"You shouldn't have- Thank you Lot." I smile at her before opening the bag.

A small bear lies in the bottom, I pick it up, it's brown and small but extremely warm, "Is it heated or something-"

"I realise how cold it gets in Lou's room so I got you a heated bear! Do you like it?"

"I love it. I really appreciate it thank you." I wrap my spare arm around her.

"I knew you would like it! Niall took me on a late night shop a few days ago when you were asleep, I was going to pick you up a few more bits when you were at school."

"No this is more than I could ever want."

"Mate open mine next!" Niall says, handing me a wrapped present, I recognise the paper from Christmas.

I unwrap it to reveal another small box within, one like a proposal- "Niall I don't know what you're trying to say..." I look up to him.

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