smoke filled ride

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I stuff my heavy backpack into the car boot as Niall and Harry still talk too Anne, Zayn leans against the car, laughing at me struggling too fit it in, "Mate, happy belated by the way!" He shouts, tapping my back.

"What did you do for it?" Niall asks, looking over aswell as Harry.

Flashbacks occupy my mind, his heavy breath above me fills my ears, my legs shake beneath me against the cold wooden floor. His hard length pounds into me nearly knocking me over.

The near thought of it nearly making me hard, "We had a quiet evening in," Harry smiles snapping me out of my otherworldly daydream. I nodd as they turn back too his mum.

I focus my attention back onto trying too stuff this fucking suitcase in this trunk, who's even is this? "Lad, it's not gonna fit if you just push it in the boot."

"Yeah, that's what she said." The past few months both flew by but also dragged out every minute like five hours, but here we are standing infront of the house. Ready for this.

Christmas was a joy, spending it with the people I love for the first time ever. Enjoying every minute of it.

"You're stone cold gay mate, 'she' doesn't say anything."

"Haha very funny Zayn, now please just help me." I shout sarcastically at him, pushing his body towards where I'm standing, he smirks down at me.

"I gotta say bye to the girls, when I come back it better be ready." I pat his back, beginning too walk away.

"Or what, lad." He smirks, I ignore it before walking away.

"So in the mornings what you're gonna wanna do is-"

"Give her the pills in the timetable! Yes I know! And if she can't sleep at night then sing her, her song! You told me like 15 times! I love you Styles but calm down! You need too trust me and just fucking go babe." She rubs his arm, while Niall laughs with the twins at Anne singing her favourite song at the minute, 'roar' by Katy Perry.

"Yeah she's not wrong, Zayns packing my bag into the boot and after that, we're ready too go. Look, my sister basically raised us, she can look after your mom for a weekend."

His sweat starts from his forehead, he wipes it away quickly before it drips.

"Yeah you're right," He looks over at his mum, "Last thing, make sure that-"

"She drinks a lot of water. Styles, I know, and I think the whole neighbourhood does aswell, now go have fun!" she turns him around before shoving him in the direction of the car.

"Bye Lot," I hug her as Harry walks too his mum.

"Bye Lou, you guys are gonna be banging like bunnies."

"Ugh Lottie that's horrendous, I do hate you sometimes."

"Yeah, love you too." She squeezes my body, the only smell is pure love that riddles her bones.

"You guys are so sappy-" Niall calls out, walking past.


"Come on Lou- Hurry before I change my mind," I rub her shoulders and smile at the twins, waving goodbye.

"Have you got it in the boot yet?" I ask, standing next too Zayn.

"Of course I have."

"Wicked, are we ready guys?" I ask, opening the car door, and slipping into my seat.

"I'm so ready." Niall squeals, jumping into the passenger seat.

"Have you guys got any coke or anything too hit at on the road?" I ask as Harry and Zayn strap themselves in.

"Knowing Zayn he probably packed some."

"I have some mushrooms in my backpack, Nick stocked me up just yesterday." Zayn starts the car as he leans over too the passenger seat.

"Keep your eyes on the road Zayn and pass me the bag," I say too him, grabbing the bag out of his left hand.

I unzip the bag as Harry opens the window, "Bye girls, bye mum!" He shouts out.

They wave before starting too walk into the house, I pass the bag too Harry, suddenly not wanting too look at it all.

"Woah how many packs of cigarettes do you have in this bag," He peers in, 10s of different boxes of cigarettes are lined in the bag, along with a Ziploc bag of mushrooms.

"Me and Niall stocked up after school, they'll last us all weekend." Zayn smirks at me through the rear view mirror.

"Do you have a lighter?" Harry asks searching through the different pockets.

"Shit I knew we forgot something!" Zayn shouts, gritting his teeth, we pass houses that are double the size of mine, as Niall texts away on his phone. Poor things probably tired.

"Don't worry, Louis always has one. Can I borrow it for a second babe?" He asks, zipping the bag back up after placing a packet on his lap.

I reach into my pocket, pulling it out and handing it too him, this is gonna be a long, smoke filled ride.


"These mushrooms are so- are we nearly there yet?" My head lays on Harrys lap, my feet pressed against the window.

"Nearly mate, Styles make sure he doesn't vom or anything. He's the only one on shrooms but one person vomitting is one too many." He strokes my head, hair now out of my eyes, as I stroke Harrys sharp jawline slowly.

Niall's loud snores keep me from sleeping, the mushrooms pace through my veins keeping me awake anyway.

The bumps in the road make me giggle as we run over them, "We're actually just around the corner now that I think of it." Zayn says, slowing down as the bumps begin too get worse and the roads begin to turn around bends every two seconds.

I stare up at his structured face, his nose points out sharply, making me laugh at how exact it is. He looks down into my eyes, smiling at me, I feel my cheeks hotten quickly. His hair falls over my face, I bat it out the way like a cat, trying too admire his beautiful face and eyes. He licks his soft pink lips, I move my hand too them, feeling over them softly. Not a single crack lines his lips, they truly are perfect.

"Here we are guys," Zayn goes too a hard exit before stopping quickly.

Harry quickly looks away from my eyes, but I continue too pay full attention too his bone structure.

"Nialler- We're here." Harry shakes his body, rattling his bones around in his body.

"5 more minutes mom- Oh shit-"

"I'm not your mum Niall- feel free too call me daddy though," Harry laughs at his own pun.

"The only-" He stretches his arms out and yawns, "Person calling you daddy is Louis- now are we ready too rumble." He smiles, facing towards us in the back.

"Sure am," Zayn lungs out of the car and slams door.

Niall practically boots the door open before hopping out, I'm left in the car with Harry, "Come on, time too unpack", he smiles down at me as I refuse too move, "Alright do as you wish," he rolls his window down before stepping out. My head hits the seat beneath me, it's warm and soft where Harry once sat.

I let myself drift off too sleep as the boot slowly opens and the laughter of the lads fill in.


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