no control

36 3 0

"Louis..." A light tap on my shoulder wakes me up, what does he want.

"What do you-" I rub my eyes, as responded. But am greeted with Zayn looking back at me.

"Morning mate," I smile at him as he beams back. Harry stands behind him, talking too Niall.

"Morning! Come on, we're gonna buy some fire works for tonight," He looks too the boys, "Lads, he's awake."

They stop their conversation and look down at me, Niall smiles and Harry steps forward.

"What time is it?" I look over too the window but the blinds are closed, they're blackouts so I have no clue.

"It's like five, come on get up." He reaches a hand out for me, I ignore it.

"Zayn what! Why can't we just hang at yours all day, then sneak into one of those churches that make cult like ceremony's and we can just watch, free fireworks, you know." I sit up, missing my pillow as it leaves my grasp.

"We're supposed too be at Sunday school right now." He reaches further towards me, I grab his hand.

He forcefully pulls me out of bed, he brings me too my feet. My mind goes foggy as he lets go, I fumble to the point where I nearly fall over. I sway forward and luckily, Harry catches me.

"Woah, Lou, are you alright?" He puts his hand on my forehead, I feel his breath on the back of my neck, it's tormented.

"Yeah yeah, let's go, yeah?" I use his hand as stabiliser, propping me up.

"You sure cause-"

"Yes. Now can we please go, I wanna catch some z's in the car." I walk too the door, they whisper for a second before following behind. Harry catching up and walking behind me, Zayn and Niall strolling behind us.


"How far away is this shop?" I lick my lips, toothpaste left behind from the rush I was in.

"Another five minutes now," Zayn shouts from the driver seat, Niall resides next too him in the shotgun.

Harrys hand, steadily grips my thigh as we ride along the bumpy roads of Doncaster, no cars pass us as it's too early for people too be up. Especially due to it being a lonely Sunday.

"Is anyone else attending our bonfire tonight?" He asks from next too me.

"It isn't invited and shit it's just whoever turns up. And that'll most likely be everyone at school so...take that as you will."

I throw my cigarette out the window and roll it up, the sun not out yet, so the cold air hits my bones. I shudder in response, he rubs my leg.

"You can't get enough of each other can you?" Niall looks behind too us, smiling from something he's read on his phone.

"Says you babe, your smiling at your fucking phone 24/7 who is it this week, Maddie? Or is it Julia?" I try not too smirk at Harrys response, a little one slips through my grit though.

"Her name is Miranda and she's different from the others." His voice stern, clearly embarrassed by Harrys comeback.

"Sure, brother, sure." Zayn pats his thigh from next too him, keeping his other hand on the wheel.

He pulls in too a drive, outside a warehouse. The surroundings are clear, hills and trees for miles but not one car, or noise in sight. I look out at the different sizes and shapes, each individual, each different. They sway as the wind hits them, some thousands of years older than others, some planted as little as ten years ago.

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