I draped my parrot green saree and paired it with bangles and earrings of same shade. I filled my hairline with vermilion and my husband was busy staring at me.
"What's with all the starting Mr.?
Does your wife look any different? "
I asked him while I wore my necklace.
"Not different but more beautiful. Can't believe we've been married for 5 years already. I still remember the days you struggled to call me by name. Time flies quickly "
"Yeah. If I look back now, I can't believe it's already 5 years"
"How about we go for our second honeymoon to celebrate this? "
His hands skillfully found its way to my waist.

Our honeymoon itself is a disastrous story. We went to Manali and because of the heavy snow fall we had to stay inside the room for 3 days. Unlike me he enjoyed the honeymoon completely. I was the one who was at the receiving end of his sweet torture each day.

"Behave yourself Mr. You have a 2 year old son. "
"So what? Even the people double my age think of honeymoon."
"But sorry, I'm busy and my son needs me"
"Then who will join me? Should I call Maya? "
"I'll kick you out of the house if you ever say that again"
He still teases me with the same thing and I still get irritated hearing that name.
"I don't know how you still get jealous of her. Anyways forget it. Why spoil our lovely moments because of someone? "

And his attack of kisses started. Before things could move somewhere else my son decided to call me with his loud cries.
Mummy mode on...

"Amma is here Ansh. We will get ready quickly ok baby...
Chiru get me his clothes please "
We both changed his onesie into blue shirt and black shorts. I still can't get over the fact my son looks equally handsome as his Appa.

"Chiru get ready. We will be outside."
I carried Ansh outside and my phone ringed with my mother in-law's call .
"Haa Atte. We are all fine. Ansh misses you "
I spoke and as soon as he heard his Ajji's voice he started screaming jji jji. Its his way of address his Ajji. Instead of Ajji and Ajja he calls them jji and jja.

We talked for some more time and when I hanged up the call and my husband walked out in his blue shirt and black trousers.
Urgh such a turn on... but I have my son at hand and a program to attend.

"Someone calls me pervert and keeps drooling when I wear blue "
He was smirking. He knew I have a thing for his blue sleeves rolled up shirt and he uses it every time against me.
"Don't worry Nidhi. We can do something about it when we come back home"
He whispered in my ears while my son was still clinging to my neck. What do I do with this man.....

Fortunately he decided to give a break for his never ending romancing and drove us to the venue. Though we attended family functions, Ansh never really mingled with other kids except Pri's 1 year old daughter Saanika. So our second generation continued their friendship just like us.

When we reached the venue it was already 5 in the evening. The formal program was about to begin and Chiru decided baby sit Ansh during the mean time. Even his students were really fond of Ansh, though he didn't give any attention to them. Gaining female attention has been passed through genes in Ansh's case too.

After the felicitation I was asked to speak about my life and achievements. I think I have few people I seriously need to thank.

"Good evening everyone. Thank you for the honor and appreciation. As an alumnus of this college, I take pride in standing in front of you on this occasion.
When I entered JSS, my only dream was to do good in exams since that was the only option I had for survival. But then destiny had different plans for me. I married a man who supported me through out my journey of making my dreams come true. Just like any other girl in her 20's, I had my own prejudice against marriage but I never knew saying yes to him would be the best decision of my life. My family has been the biggest strength of mine till date and I can't thank them enough for their support.
Hard work is key to success I agree, but smart work can directly give you a VIP pass. So dream without hesitations and try your level best to make those dream come true. Life gives you multiple opportunities, its your choice that actually makes the difference. So all the best to everyone and hope you'll have a great day and bright future. Thank you "

After the formal program ended I was back at my mummy duties, since my son asked me to hold him with his grabby hands.
"Mam we need a picture of yours for college magazine. Can we please have a snap mam? "
A student with his camera approached me. My husband nodded and asked for Ansh.
I posed for few photos.
"Can I get family picture please? "
He asked.
"Sure. In fact I wanted to ask you if I could get one"
I replied to him and we got a family picture with my husband and son.

"Congrats to our achievers. Both of you are doing great in your career. I'm really proud of you. "
My Pri came to us and hugged me.
"Thank you so much. Where's my pretty niece? "
I asked her as I couldn't find Saanu with them.
"With my in-laws. She was still sleeping when we got ready and if I woke her up, she would create an entire havoc. So I decided to leave her with them. Anyways she loved being with them than me and I get some alone time with Samay with this excuse. So I decided to let her be. How's my Ansh baby doing? "

She tried to hold Ansh but no way he accepted her hands, he is a very demanding and picky kid for his age.
"You know he loves Saanu and you decided to leave her. So he won't give you any attention now"
I said as I looked at her sad face. My son giggled at us.
"I'll be right back. "
Said my husband as he had some things to attend.
"Can't believe its already 4 years we graduated. When I walked in to the campus today, it felt like yesterday we were sitting in canteen complaining about our lives. Life literally changed after graduation right Nidhu? "
Pri and I sat down to talk while Ansh slowly drifted to sleep.
"True. JSS played an important role in my life. If I didn't dare to join MSc, I would have lost so much in my life and if I had said no to him that day... probably my life would have been completely different "
"That's for sure. "

We talked for some more time before Chiru joined us. After dinner we came back home and Ansh was not planning to sleep even after the clock struck 12. I tried everything to put him into sleep but nothing worked.

So I decided to play with him as per his wish and Chiru joined us too. After what felt like eternity my son finally drifted to sleep and I was tired myself more than him.
"Finally.. "
Chiranth whispered in my ears as we're still scared that we might wake him up.
"Yeah. I thought he would sleep early tonight but again, our son is extremely unpredictable "
"I think we need to give him a baby sister or baby brother so he can play and let us spend time together"

He winked and picked me up from the bed. I think my night wasn't going to end soon..
Next day I woke up late because of all the events at night and my husband still hugged me tight. We had to shift back to our room where Ansh was sleeping since he wakes up at night sometimes.
"Chiru wake up. Its already 7"
"Sleep some more. Anyways Ansh wouldn't let you rest even though its Sunday. We'll order something for breakfast. "

My son yawned and snuggled closer to me and now I'm happily sandwiched between the father and son duo. Even after having hectic days and busy life I found my solace in the loving embrace of my family.

Happily ever afters are not always flowers and balloons. Its the small things in life that makes your days more meaningful. Be it a simple morning coffee or a reassuring hug when you come back after a tiresome day. Marriages may be made in heaven, but a loving partner can make you experience heaven on earth. As long as you have your loved one by your side, you always try to bring out the best in yourself and accept the weak side of yours too. This is the fact I have realized in my life.

Enjoying the warmth of love from the two precious men in my life, I continued to sleep without any worries.

The End

Wrapping up Shrinidhi and Chiranth's love story with too many memories and lots of love ❤

As an amateur scribbler, I have learnt many things in this journey of letting you know about Shrinidhi and Chiranth.
Thank you for deciding to give my story a chance and supporting me.

Hope I can come up with some more stories that's worth your time.
Do vote, comment and let me know if you loved my story.

With love❤

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