Chapter 11

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Next day I woke up as I heard the continuous knocks on my door. Shit.. Its already 7.30 and its my reopening day…still I’m happily laying on my bed after snoozing all my alarms. Great job Shrinidhi, way to ruin a fresh start….

I woke up quickly and splashed some water on my face and brushed. When I walked out of my room, he was reading newspaper with his coffee and my cup was kept next to his.
“Sorry I should have set my alarm early. I overslept."
I mumbled as I sipped my coffee.
“That’s ok. You’re not late actually. You don’t need much time to reach college since we hardly need 5 minutes to reach college and I have prepared breakfast. So just freshen up, get ready and after breakfast we can leave”
He said as he finished his coffee and walked to kitchen. I finished my coffee and ran to kitchen.

“When did you wake up? "
I asked him since he had already finished cooking everything.
“ 5.30, I usually go for jogging in the park and comeback at 6.30. Then I prepare my breakfast and get ready for college”
“You should have woken me up early. I can’t let you do all the work”
“It’s ok. You can slowly adapt. Moreover I can manage. You don’t have to think that cooking and cleaning are your duty. Its our home, so we will do it together"
God…. Am I dreaming…..
Appa would never say anything of this sort. Even if he gets to know that I let my husband do all the work he might be furious.

“Lost in thoughts?”
He asked me.
“Haa.  Nothing I’ll get ready “
I washed my cup and got ready with a simple jeans and kurti and tucked my hair with a clip. I prepared my college bag along with necessary books. I filled my hairline with vermilion on my hairline. Suddenly my mind started getting clouded with thoughts about college.

Though I have asked him not to mention about our marriage, people will still know that I’m married. What if something happens at college and it starts creating problems in our lives... I really don’t want to create problems for him. I kept praying all the time while we were on dining table. He was dressed in his white formal shirt and black trousers.

He asked me.
“Kind of”
“Don’t worry everything will be fine”
His smile was contagious and made me smile too.
Finally we finished our breakfast and cleaned everything up. When we reached the parking lot, the tube light in my brain started flickering.
“I can’t come with you”
I blurted out and he looked confused.
“If we both go together people will start questioning. There’s still time, I’ll walk.”
“Nidhi… All these are seriously necessary?”
He asked with a tiny frown.
I showed the best puppy face possible.
“Fine. Just be careful. Call me if necessary”
“Don’t worry I’ll manage. Take care. Meet you in college. Bye have a good day”
I spoke everything in a single breath.
He smiled at me and I walked to college following the google map.

It took me exactly 10 minutes to reach college, thank god shortcuts exists. But once I reached the college, I started getting worried more and more. The only people who knew about my marriage with Chiranth sir was Pri and Harshith sir. Both of them agreed to keep it secret but still the news of Chiranth sir’s marriage had already spread like wildfire.

On my way to classroom I heard many students murmuring about it. My gut was stirring as if it’s set on magnetic stirrer. Once I reached my classroom Pri came to see me.
“You look soooo good Nidhu. Looks like married life is treating you really well?”
She winked at me.
“I’m literally trembling and you consider this time to joke. What if…”
“Nothing of the sort you’re thinking will happen. Calm down”
I nodded and decided to stay calm after she left to her class. Some of my classmates congratulated me after knowing that I’m married. I tried to reply with a smile without getting worried.

Graduated With Love जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें