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The girl woke up for the first time in a while with a real smile. She had her eyes closed and replayed the last day in her head over and over again.

The black haired girl was thankful that Newt gave her a second chance. She knew herself that she made a lot of mistakes. But now Newt gave her a chance to make it better this time.

Teresa opened her eyes and sat up. She looked down and was suprised that she still sat on the branch. Yesterday the girl thought she would fall off in no time.

"Good Morning", Newt suddenly whispered with a sleepy voice.

"Good Morning", Teresa whispered back.

"Why are we whispering?", the girl asked still whispering.

"Just look", he answered and pointed into the direction of the river in which the friends played yesterday.

"Wow." Ten deers stood at the river bank. The sight was beautiful.

"They look so bloody peaceful", Newt said.

"Yeah", Teresa answered while looking back at Newt smiling.

"How bout breakfast?", she added.

"Good that", the blonde replied and took his backpack from a branch next to him. She did the same with hers and took out two sandwiches. The girl gave one to him and took one of the water bottles the boy gave her.

While they ate they stared at the deers and simply enjoyed each others company. It was calming for both of them to watch them eating grass and drinking water with such calm.

It was quiet. But no uncomfortable silence. They simply sat there eating and staring. Both of them with a bright smile on their lips.

"Already have an idea how to tell Brenda bout your bloody crush on her", Newt asked after a while.

"Not yet.", Teresa answered truthfully.

"What about you? Any ideas how to tell Tom?", the girl added.

"I guess I still have to figure out how", the blonde said.

"But first we have to get to the save haven", Newt remembered her.

"You think we can do it?", she wanted to know.

"Well it won't be easy but together we have a better chance. If we really trust each other and believe in each other and in ourselves I think we can do it", he answered with a smile on his lips.

While they talked they did not notice that the deers had left.

"Oh no they're gone", Teresa suddenly whispered sadly.

"Well then we should fill our bottles with water and walk on", he answered.

"We probably should." The two friends both put their backpacks on their backs and climbed down the tree.

They walked to the river in a comfortable silence. After a few feet Teresa and Newt reached the river bank.

"I'm gonna miss this place", Newt said after they filled their bottles with fresh water.

"Me too. But we will take the memories with us", Teresa answered.

"I guess you're right."

"So what's the plan for today", she wanted to know after a few minutes of silence.

"Well the fastest way to the save haven would be this way", he said and pointed into a direction, "but there we have to walk through some cities. So there could be cranks and plus I think that'd be the way W.C.K.D would choose. So I'd take the way on our right. It will take us longer but we will be save. And there are coming forests again so we can sleep on trees again. Just in case if there would be some cranks around here.", Newt explained.

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