MrBeast Fluff Alphabet

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This is my first time writing something like this, so bare with me...

A- Attractive (what do they find attractive in the other?)

Jimmy absolutely LOVES his partner's hands, he likes it that when he holds it, he feels safe, like nothing can hurt him. (And I can see him always wanting to compare hand sizes👀)

B- Baby (Do they want a family?)

Because both of them are somewhat popular on the internet having a family isn't something Jimmy is looking forward to, he realizes that the internet can be fun, but also having a kid isn't the best idea considering the kind of content he makes.

C- Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)

He enjoys being the big spoon. But of course, if his partner wants to be the big spoon he'll be okay with it.

D- Dates (What are dates with them like?)

Dates with him aren't like you though you'd spend your time with your partner, you guys just stay at home and watch Netflix, trying to relax and not thinking about YouTube.

E- Everything (You are my _____, Y/N)

You are his supporter, there isn't a better way to say this, he just couldn't imagine his life without you, without your help.

F- Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)

The day you guys finished high school. You were in the same class, and you spent a lot of time together, so obviously he was afraid once you guys separate that'll be the end of your friendship, he didn't sleep all night, he was thinking about you, and he realized he liked you more than just a friend (and he almost had a panic attack UwU).

G- Gay (Who came out first?)

Definitely you. Have you seen this man? Even he doesn't know what he's attracted to, remember those tweets? So yeah, it was you, but it wasn't long until he came out after you did.

H- Hate (Do they get hate? How do they deal with it?)

With both of them being somewhat famous, they unfortunately get a lot of hate. Ever since Jimmy and you made the coming out video the internet blew up, and the comments got wild. The number of death threats grew bigger and bigger with every passing day. In those days he felt like shit... he was thinking about quitting YouTube, but fortunately Chris kicked his ass and he changed his mind, and after a few months of pause his channel began anew, he learnt that his true fans don't care if he's gay, bi, straight, aro, or something like that.

You, my friend, on the other hand, are a fucking psycho. You get a death threat? Send then one too, along with their address, name, face, personal security number, and they'd stop ;)

I- Impression (What was their first impression?)

You were neighbors, you lived in the same street when you were kids, and like in those shitty movies, you guys were besties from childhood, but things changes quite a bit :))

J- Jealous (Do they get jealous?)

Honestly? He probably gets jealous sometimes. He tries his best not to be so obvious, so at least it wouldn't bother you, but deep down he is afraid of you leaving him

K- Kiss (Who initiated the first kiss?)


You might think wtf, but hear me out... He accidentally pushed you and you fell on Jimmy, and a little UwU happened...

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