Chapter Three.

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Taehyung was driving. "What a wonderful day, what an excellent vibe I'm feeling today." Dae swung his head energetically along with his dad, feeling the vibe. "AYEEE! AYEEE! AYE AYE AYEEE!" Both of them whistled simultaneously. "Here is, Dae, my great dude's school," Taehyung blurted, taking a turn by the highway.

As the car stopped causing Daehyung to glance around. He saw his classmates hugging and saying bye to their moms. The smile he had on his face moderately evaporated away. He shuffled his gaze towards his Dad who was previously staring at him with concern-full eyes - he knew what the younger wanted. "What happened, Dae?" he frowned but asked softly

"Nothing," the boy muttered before stepping out of the car. Taehyung opened his mouth to say something, but the boy slipped away fast from his sight. The male was very closely aware of his lad's desire to have a mom-he had told him about it last new year - But-

Taehyung had a few photoshoots to do and a few contracts to sign. He just wished to wrap them up quickly and visit the mall to get Dae a few gifts.




"So, here is your script, you're the male lead!" Namjoon asserted, passing him a bunch of papers which were stapled collectively. The latter appeared to have a glimpse of it. "The producers insisted to have you and Jin together for this film," Namjoon murmured dreamily, putting his head over the table.

"You look weird while blushing," the younger of them passed a weird look. "Jinnie says I look cute!" Namjoon straighten his face and stated while glaring at the other male, who snickered.

"By the way, this time we'll need to shoot some action scenes, so I have to call him," Namjoon sighed.


"My brother," Namjoon proclaimed and Taehyung frowned. "You have a brother?" the younger urged. "Yeah! a bratty one!"

"Oh, never knew you had a brother!" Taehyung acknowledged keeping his script down. "Yeah, not many people know about our relation," Namjoon countered. "Oh, seems like he has been in the industry for a while now?"

"He has! He is one of the finest cinematographers in the country. The scenes taken by him are genuinely appreciated, even by the audiences who don't have knowledge about filmmaking," Namjoon explained, but exhaled again.

"He seems cool. Why are you so worried?" Taehyung charged repeatedly with confusion. "Because he is a perfectionist," he responded, making Taehyung grimace further. "What's the problem with that? Isn't it good!"

"Hah, you don't know why directors don't like to work with him. The initial reason is that he is damn bossy, the second is that he prefers everything to be perfect! If one thing goes wrong, to him, everything is going wrong!" Taehyung chuckled at the frustration Namjoon was binding on. "Last but not the least, he is a freaking baby at times and occasionally a whole damn different person!" the elder cried- dramatically.

Taehyung, for some reason, was reminded of someone familiar. But he waved his head, thinking. 'It can't be him.' Just thinking about him brought a meager smile to his dazzling face. He didn't realize when he zoned out.


"Bruh, I'mma blow you out of the world, for real. Touch my lunch box repeatedly and you'll know what I am!" A pair of pink lips moved, cussing at the fellas who were trying to eat from his lunch box. They were trying to bully him just because it was his first day.

He looked remarkably innocent to talk like this to anybody. All the pupils were kind of taken aback by his words, which seemed entirely different from his face. Big Bambi eyes, rosy cheeks, and lips. The fellow carried a pretty yet innocent look.

The lads, who were standing around, chuckled at the boy who tch'ed vehemently. The leader of that gang reached out of to his lunch box again- to mock him. He smirked, peering back at his friends, and had just freed his mouth to say something but- a punch landed on his jaw.

"DAMN YOU! TOLD YOU NOT TO!" He yelled and stood up. As promptly as the other boys saw their leader's tooth broken, they flew away from the brown-haired.

The lad turned his head towards the whole hall. Everybody was glancing at him. It was not normal for the High schoolers to see senior bullies getting scared.

It was formerly then when the bambi eyes lingered against those majestic ones.

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