Chapter Two.

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It's been four years since he adopted Dae. They got attached very rapidly. Expectedly, Taehyung was very good with children. The kid learned he was adopted because of social media, but Taehyung wished he didn't.

He wished Dae to be naïve and childlike, but the fellow had seen a lot at an unusually early age. His biological parents assaulted him when he was an infant.

When the male got to know about this, he knew he had to adopt him, pamper him with love. Taehyung didn't miss a chance to make him happy. He didn't do anything that would make Dae sad.

He was an energetic kid, who invariably had something to talk about. Taehyung loved hearing his views. He loved babying him. Daehyung was his light, his angel, who filled colors to his blue-grey world.

But the only thing that made the male sad was that Dae never asked anything from him. Every time he inquired if he wishes to have something, the mere thing he got in response from his son was, "Gimme a kissy, Dadda."

He speculated that maybe the lad didn't think of him as his own parent. But it was never the case. Daehyung loved his dad the same way his dad loved him. It was just that his dad got him everything. There wasn't anything he had to ever demand for.

He had everything from toys to amazing-amazing clothes. Dae was someone who would get satisfied very easily. He never believed in materialistic things. All he wished was Taehyung's love, which he got 27/8, indeed.

"So, my Lil Dae bear has his birthday day after tomorrow!!" Taehyung enthusiastically sputtered while fixing Daehyung's shirt. "I will be eight years old. wooohoooo" He wiggled his bum standing on the table, making his dad laugh at his silly actions.

"Yeah!! So, is there anything my Dae bear wants?" Taehyung tilted his head with a slight pout and, to his astonishment, his son nodded his head.

"Woah! really!!!" Taehyung asked beaming broadly and lifted the boy in the air, just to whirl him around

"What is it, baby boo?" he charged, pinching his nose bridge. "I will tell you when it's my birthday," the child pouted firmly and peeked away. "C'mon tell daddy, he will go shopping and get his Dae bear whatever he wants!"

"It's not something you can buy, Dadda"

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