PART 2 ~

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you yawn slightly, squeezing your eyes in confusion as you felt two teeth in particular sharper than you remember.

"nezuko, tanjiro, okaa-san?" you ask, they never answer you, but you still tried. you rubbed your eyes, only to hiss in pain as your unusually sharp nail scratched your skin 'huh? since when were my nails this long? or sharp..?' you wonder.

you bring your hand up to your cheek, sure to feel a cut, or find some blood. only to feel nothing when you put it there, your rub your eyes again, making sure not to scratch yourself this time 'how weird.. it must not have been a deep enough scratch.'.

you now finally open your eyes, finding yourself sitting comfortably on a freshly made futon. that made you immensely confused, considering the one you slept on was old and hard, since you had to dig it out of somewhere in the floorboards.

'did okaa-san finally buy me one? why don't i remember going to sleep last night?' you yawn again.

your mouth starts to salivate as a new scent hits your nose, 'what the hell? what's this.. it smells terrible.. but good at the same time?' you blink a few times to rid of any fogginess in your eyes.

now with clear eyesight, which you can't help but feel was better than before, you notice you're not in the room you sleep, instead, you're in the kitchen. 'huh? why am i in the kitchen?' you just shrug your shoulders and get up, not bothering to look down at your clothing.

you pack up your futon and just place it to the side, you would put it away later. but something felt strange.

you exit the kitchen only to gasp at the crimson colour coating the once brown walls, 'oh my god.. is that.. blood?!' you think, covering your mouth which was now salivating at the substance 'what the hell? why am i drooling.'.

you walk out further only to gasp again in horror, seeing your families bodies in a pile on the floor, after seeing that, your memories from the previous night slowly started to come back to you.

hot tears rolled down your cheeks as you feel to your knees 'oh my god.. they're all dead... i couldn't save them..' your stomach grumbled, for a newfound hunger 'dammit, stomach! right now is not the time..' you scold your own stomach before gasping loudly.

'tanjiro! tanjiro was down at the mountain! I have to find him..' you get up quickly, ignoring the burning hunger in your stomach and dashing out the front door, only to freeze when you exit.

'hold on... nezuko! where's nezuko? she ran out here with rokuta..' you think as you quickly search around the house for her body, only to find nothing.

'nezuko.. she must have been safe..she must be with tanjiro..' you think, small glint of hope in your eyes 'but wait... how would she have survived that? there was no way.. i heard her scream too..' you think for a moment before your eyes widen in realization.

'that man.. that man.. that man! that man was a demon! i've heard people talking about them, everyone said they were rumours.. but there was no way.. that man had tentacles coming out of his body.. he had to be... he had to of been a demon!' you realize.

'then that means... nezuko must be a demon also! a man eating demon! she must be... but wait.. how did, i , survive that.. that must mean..' you gasp in horror.

'oh my god.. i'm a man eating demon... that's why.. that's why their blood made my stomach grumble..'.

you shake your head 'i can't think of such trivial matters at the moment! nezuko and tanjiro! i can sense them down the mountain.. if nezuko's a man eating demon.. then surely.. she's going to attack tanjiro!' without another thought you started to sprint down the snowy mountain.

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