Part 2

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As I wake up for school the next morning I feel good. I don't feel bloated or hungry. It must have been a one-day thing that I will never have to worry about again. Now I can get on with my week and start losing the weight that I gained yesterday. I eat breakfast, hop in my car and drive off for school. I meet up with my friends and Ed asks to talk in private. "I saw how much you stuffed and bloated yourself yesterday, I will say it looked kind of nice on you". "Maybe you want to come to my house and grab something to eat and we can see where it goes from there". I am taken aback by the words I just heard coming out of Edward's mouth. I have had a crush on him for years. Maybe my letting Ed stuff me tonight might be my chance at finally starting a relationship with him. The bell rings and we all head off to our first class. Throughout the day all I can think about is what Ed said to me earlier. I don't want to lose my figure, I worked very hard for these and don't want to lose them. When it is time for lunch I get single lunch with a bunch of vegetables on it. I see Edward get double lunch with all sorts of sweets. Pie, Cake, Brownies, Hamburgers, Pizza, And pudding. We sit down at lunch and Ed slides his tray over to me. He says he's not hungry and he wants me to eat his food so it doesn't go to waste. I tell him no and head off to the library to study for my test 5th hour. Edward follows me with the tray and asks me to give it one chance. We sit down in a secluded corner of the library where no one can see or hear us. He tempts me with a bite of pizza and I take it. The flavors burst in my mouth. It feels so good to eat something other than veggies. I tell Ed, "fine, but only this one time".  He starts off slow scooping spoonfuls of chocolate pudding into my mouth. He starts to get excited by the stretching noises that my stomach is making. This leads him to feed me more and more. At one point I know that I can't fit any more food into my stuffed belly. But he ignores my plea to stop feeding me these fattening foods. He takes a handful of apple pie and shoves it directly in my mouth. I refuse to swallow so he starts pushing the pie to the back of my throat with his fingers. I only have one option to swallow. And he does this over and over until I have eaten everything. He told me that he calculated it out and said I was about 10,000 calories. Jeez, he is really trying to fatten me up. But honestly I kind of like the feeling of my belly stretching to its limits, threatening to burst at any second. He rubs my belly as the food noisily digests. The bell rings and I know it's time for 4th hour. I continue on with my day and get through my test. I decide to skip out on cross country today because of the state my stomach is in right now. I drive directly over to Edward's house where he promised to stuff me. I can't believe I'm going back. I cannot let myself get out of shape. But I just want to feel him stuff me full one more time. I ring the bell and I'm greeted by Edward. He sits me down at the table telling me how excited he was that I decided to come over to eat with him. I am immediately mesmerized by the amount of food sitting on the counter. Once again there are all sorts of unhealthy desserts and heavy filling foods. He starts me off with a pint of ice cream. I take it down like a champ and start on my next food. At this point, I'm already feeling very stuffed but I keep eating thanks to Ed's words of encouragement. He tells me that I'm looking great and that I can eat so much more, And I do. I eat one thing after the next watching my belly grow and grow. I didn't ever think my stomach could expand this much but ed is forcing so much food into me. At one point I start to slow down and Ed sits on my lap to start shoving force-feeding me. I can see him start to press against the table as my belly expands into him. I finally think I'm done when he brings out a gallon of milk from the freezer. He tells me to drink it all. There is no way I am going to drink all of that, I absolutely refuse. He gets a smirk on his face and tells me "I was hoping you would say that because I've got a surprise for you". He disappears for a while and comes back with a funnel attached to a long thin tube. He shoves the tube into my mouth and down my throat. I start to gag at the foreign object in my throat, but he keeps shoving it farther and farther until I can feel it wiggle around in my belly. He raises the funnel and starts pouring the milk into it. I don't even have to do any work I just watch him pour the milk as my stomach expands more. My eyes start to water from how much pain I am in. Finally, I finish the gallon of milk and stand up. I can feel the weight of my belly tugging me towards the floor but Ed gets behind me and supports me by putting both hands around me on my belly to hold me up. I let out a loud belch and that seems to get him off. I can feel his boner on my butt as he rubs his hands all over my belly. "He tells me he would like to do this a lot more until I can't move". I honestly get excited from the thought of Ed filling me as I am stuck unable to move in his large comfy bed. He then walks me to the scale where it says I weigh 155 pounds. He seems kind of sad about the small weight gain and I do too. I ate so much that I feel like I'm about to pop and I only gained 10 pounds. That night I sleepover at his house. I sleep in bed with him and spoon him with my stuffed belly rubbing against his back.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2021 ⏰

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