december 10

156 2 0

song of the day: Carol of the Bells

While they were walking to a special weekend edition of Care of Magical Creatures for extra credit in the afternoon, Remus brought up something that James didn't think the other boy knew about. "So you and Lily snogged?"

James's chestnut eyes widened behind his round, foggy glasses. "Wh-how did you know?"

"I'm a very smart person," Remus said, smirking. "I'm only joking, Lily told me yesterday."

"But she told me not to tell anyone," James countered.

"Yeah, you. Besides, she said that knowing you would tell Sirius. I'm a reliable person, and as much as I love Sirius, he is awful with secrets." Both boys looked at each other, because Remus said something equally unexpected.

"You love him?" James asked, not receiving a response from Remus. "By your reaction, I suppose it means you haven't told him yet, correct?" Remus nodded. "What's holding you back?" James continued walking, while trying to help the situation.

"I'm worried it's too soon in our relationship to say... you know," Remus said, bringing his shaky hands to the zipper of his coat.

James considered both people in the relationship. Two of his best friends, both of them had feelings for each other for ages before they finally got together. "Are you sure of your feelings?" Remus nodded vigorously. "Then it's not too early. I guarantee he feels the same way."

"Thanks James. I'll try."

They got to Care of Magical Creatures, so they had to stop talking about the private, personal things, but James realized that he now had a close friend to talk about Lily with, no secrets.

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