
46 6 1

Holla Minna

I AM back
Swagat karo hamari😎😎

Exam khatam 😪


From Morning 🌅 sumi is running errands in his own home. He wash dishes, clothes which is like a big hill, clean the floor, the room with getting kick in his back and stomach, clean the garden etc. With also getting names from Mrs. Chudail and their son Mrinal AKA Vampire.

After completing all work and his morning beat up, he is extremely exhausted. He feel like his body have no strength, no life, no pain - just numb. He slowly make his path to his small world- his room.

His room is not like a vast, clean, gorgeous room rather it is small. And we also called it a store room of the whole AHUJA MANSION. A messy and full of dirt room - a bit clean. He stays in this room since he 3years old- lonely. Grey walls and white celling which is also looking like brown cause of dirt. He has just a bed with bed sheet and his bed also kind of broken as they torture him in his room. So he slept in floor with a plain,torn, old blanket and ripped mattress. The blanket is too short to cover him fully and it also thin for which he is trembling in cold. Their also a broken almirah which content some of his cheap clothes, pants, a blue-green sneakers and a sport shoes. The room also have a big windows near his bed where he notices beautiful city in Morning and night and nature. There he also have a small closet which is not for his use but he is kept locked in it for days- Starve. Then he have his own bathroom with a small mirror and some of his daily uses.

Sumi sighs and enter his only owned bathroom for shower. He bath in cold water - now it is not matter he always have to bath in cold water. So he used to it. When cool water hit his warm, soft skin, a shiver ran down for cold but its also cool his mind and relax. Then he dressed up in his normal outfit- grey full shelves-shirt which armed is colour red and black jeans, finally feeling fresh.

Finally he sneaked out from his home and run off to road to go to college. With his usual bright smile. Its say that" I don't care"🤪.

Ball of sunshine 😍😍

How cute 🥰

Sumi: ohh boy.....😩. This is my 2nd day in my "oh so cool " college. But my like it. Ummm it's soo new thingg. A new feeling. It's like ,I feel I am now a grown up man. But who AM I kidding. For god's sake I am 17 😤🤯🤯🤯.
😛😛 Can u believe it? I am 17 and I am already in college where other must be 18 yaa 🤔 19. That's it.
Ohh come on. I am behaving like Naruto.
Ohh well u don't know who Naruto is. Okay okay I am telling. Naruto is Anime character like a Ninja anime.
Sometime I think my life is also like Naruto- no friends, no family expect my Di. Yeahh Di is the best which is happened in my life and daddu also very important to me. When I am baby, he looked after me. Daddu also pay for all supplies since childhood but not now.😅
One second let me buy some candy. Wait....
Shopkeeper: hey Candy. How many candy u need?

Ohh boy... I am forget that in my local market everybody call me candy 🤯cause from childhood they know me and know that I am a chocolate freak 😈😈😈.
Ok so I buy 5 candy and lolipop...... Shh don't tell others that I eat lolipop. They sure call me mental patient 😜.

Then my poor ass I mean body started to walk after greeting my old peoples team good morning 🤪.

Hmm finally I took bus and reached my heaven 😭🤣, college.


Ohh I am sorry. I know I am very very late. But what can I do. I have my stupid exam. Then my college started again. No holiday.

The chapter also very boring 😅😭.
Abhi ke liye kaam chala loo.

Once again sorry.

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