dead ?

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i slow the car down when i see a gate.

"this is it?" i ask skeptically when we get out.

"the file came from these coordinates." she responds

"so did i." we turn to steve staring at the sign.
"this camp is where i was trained."

"changed much?" nat asked as she held up the phone searching for heat signatures.

"a little."

"this is a dead end. zero heat signature, zero waves, not even a radio. whoever wrote the file must have used a router to throw people off."

"what is it?" she asks when i squint my eyes at something.

"army regulations forbid storming munitions within 500 yards of the barracks, this building is in the wrong place." steve informs her when he figured out what i was thinking.

"it's locked." i roll my eyes yanking  it down ripping it off.

"oh, look it's not anymore!" i say sarcastically tossing it behind me.
steve turns on the light to see a shield base.

"there's starks father." he says making me look down. i remember stark, he was one of the first people i met when i came up, back in 1950.


"who's the girl?" she asks trying to tick him off, which he ignores.

i'm walking to see a shelf that has a crack in between it. "if you're already working in a secret office," i pull it with my right hand. "why need to hide the elevator."

we walk out the elevator into the dark, when they start turning on by themselves the further we walk in.

"this can't be the data point this technology is ancient." i grab the usb from her hand and stick it into something. clearly it worked cause stuff starting moving.

"y-e-s spells yes. shall we play a game?" she smirks turning up to us. "it's from a movie, it's-" "i know, i saw it."

the machine starts glitching then a face appears. "rogers, steven born 1918. romanoff, natalia alianovna, born 1984. y/n y/l/n, born before the birth of linear time."

i chuckle at the birthday. doesn't really make sense does it? well let me dumb it down. my father created angels before he created the universe, and earth. therefore, i was born before linear time.

"it's some kind of recording." natasha says confused looking it up and down.

"i am not a recording, fraeulein. i may not be the man i was when the captain took me prisoner in 1945. but i am."

"you know this thing?" natasha eyes steve.

"armin zola was a german scientist who worked for red skull. he's been dead for years."

"first of all, it's rude that you don't know the difference between accents, he's swiss, clearly." i say sassily

natasha slaps my stomach making me grunt.

"thank you, look around you. i have never been more alive. in 1972 i received a terminal diagnosis. science could not save my body, my mind however, that was worth saving, on 200,000 feet of databanks."

"you are standing on my brain." i jump up and down repeatedly.

"did that hurt your brain? say yes so i can keep doing it."

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