The fixer

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It's not ok, nothing is OK and it all comes crashing down only a few days later. A drunk and high Austin who is riddled now with not only anger but guilt as well wanders up to the pool and a few minutes later Marli hears Jonas shouting for someone to call 911. Marli grabs her phone and dials while running towards Jonas' shouting voice. She is just in time to see both Charlie and Jonas pull Austin limp and wet from the pool. The sight knocks the breath out of her and makes her knees buckle. Did Jonas shove him into the pool again? "Jonas what did you do?" she shouts but Jonas shakes his head "Not me Marli. The drunk motherfucker must have fallen in on his own," he says as he continues to administer CPR on him. Then Austin starts convoluting on the floor and Jonas is shouting at her to call the ambulance as Austin is having a fucking seizure, a side effect of overdosing on whatever the hell is in his system. She manages to tell the operator the address and that they have a possible OD or drowning while watching Charlie now too join in on the CPR. Marli sits a good 10 meters away, she just can't make herself come closer. All three dogs are crowding her and whining as she grips onto them. Austin's lips are turning blue and his skin looks grey. Charlie continues CPR but shoots Jonas a wary look. Jonas nods then walks over to Marli and reaches out to her in an attempt to take her inside. Otis growls at him. It's a warning, one that Jonas chooses not to ignore. They can hear the ambulance in the distance and the sirens send a wave of relief through Marli. Although its short-lived. Everything with Austin is short-lived.

At the hospital, the doctor informs Marli and Jonas that they managed to stabilize Austin although he is not sure how the hell he is still alive with the number of drugs and alcohol they find found in him. They have him hooked up to an IV that is flushing his system. The doctor says he will be going through withdrawal so they will be keeping him for a few days for observation. He is out cold for now, but they can see him if they like. Once Jonas finds out he is fine he stalks off mumbling about what an idiot Austin is. Marli makes her way to Austin's room. The light is dim and casts a soft glow over Austin's face. He looks so peaceful. She pulls a chair close to his bed and then threads her small hand into his resting her head on top she falls asleep in seconds. Austin sleeps for three days and Marli never leaves his side. By the fourth day, Marli thinks she can hear Austin and Jonas talking in her dream but soon realizes she is not dreaming, she is awake and so is he. She keeps her eyes closed as if she is sleeping as the two men talk. "Austin...Austin looks at me, man. I have never seen anyone so scared. I thought I would need to call a second ambulance just for her man. You need to go to rehab," Jonas says and Austin shifts in the bed.

"I know I scared everyone. I am sorry."

"Not like how you scared her. I mean look at her. The girl has not left your side for the past four days."

Austin runs his fingers through her hair.

"Really? She's been here the whole time?"

"Yes, the girl is in lo-"

"Stop Jonas. Just. It's enough for today. Ok? I will think about rehab, but go now and let me sleep."

"Fine, I have a media shitstorm to sort out anyway."

Marli can hear Jonas walking away and feels Austin continue to run his fingers in her hair. Then he is softly nudging her "Hey. Wakey wakey," he says softly. Marli lifts her head and looks at him. Austin coos at the sight of her sad face then opens his arms and gestures for her to climb up. She clampers up the bed and then lays across his chest while he wraps his arms around her. "I am sorry for scaring you. That will never happen again. I promise. Things will change," Austin says. Marli nods. "Will you go to rehab?" Her voice is small when she asks. But Austin shakes his head. "I would if I needed to. But I don't need to...I have you and you will look after me," he says. He is right he does have Marli she can look after him, and keep him safe. She can do that for him. Right? "Will you do that for me? Help me stay clean? No more drugs. No more liquor," he asks. Marli feels special. He is choosing her. He does not want to go to rehab and leave her. He is going to get clean because he is sorry for scaring her. He will stay clean because he knows how she feels about him. Her love is all he needs. Right?

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