Chapter Four

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Warnings: strong language, a lot of violence mentions, anxiety attacks, talks of killing/death, pregnancy, fluff, angst, talks of pregnancy complications
A/N: Chapter update! Enjoy the thriller! I promise it's not the end 😉😈

"Hey, doll," Bucky cooed, watching as the screen turned around and shifted, showing him everything but you. "Wanna fix the camera for me so that I can see my best girl's beautiful face?" His eyes flickered over to Sam who had started to get up to lean on the wall where he could see the street below through the window. He looked back at his phone, sighing when he didn't see your face, but the ceiling of his room. It was covered in glow-in-the-dark stars that you had gotten him as a joke when you first had started dating and discovered his love for the galaxy.

"Just a sec," he heard your voice say and, just a second later, he saw your face light up the screen. Damn, you are a sight for sore eyes. "Thank you, Bucky." Oh, he had said that outloud.

He smiled sheepishly and mumbled, "I miss you so much."

"We miss you, too." Bucky felt his heart soar when you said that before he took a closer look at your face. He felt his heart plummet as his eyes trailed over your face, taking in the dark circles that had formed over the last week. Your eyes were bloodshot, lids drooping and closing for a moment too long. His enhanced eyes noticed the slight shake in your camera before you placed it down, resting your hand on your leg and sighing.

"Bucky," you started, stopping short and putting the phone down. Bucky's heart skipped a beat, panicking as he heard a loud thud. He was about to say your name, but heard the retching noise and huffed out a deep breath. His heart slowed down as he heard the flush and water running. Feeling his panic subside, he waited for you to return.

"Is she feeling okay?" Sam asked, his eyes on Bucky now. Bucky looked up and looked back at his phone, feeling like that was enough of a reply. "Tell her I say hey, will ya?" When Bucky nodded, Sam left the bedroom they had been forced to share, leaving Bucky to talk to you privately.

"Sorry, James," he heard your low voice before your face popped up on the screen. He saw the redness had increased in your eyes, but chose not to point it out. He knew the toll from everything happening was already pretty tough on you. He didn't want to make it worse.

"No need to apologize, love," Bucky sighed, smiling when you rubbed your eyes and laid back. "Sam says hey."

"Tell him I say 'hi' back and that I hope that everyone's okay."

"How are things there? Tony being a brother or father?"

"At the time, he's being like a protective older brother," you replied with a giggle. "Last night he made sure I didn't make dinner, saying that Wanda and Pepper had it under control. It was a bit annoying, considering that Dr. Cho said that I was fine. Oh, and she said that we—" you stopped abruptly, eyes widening a little and then settling back into the pillow, sadness seeping into your face.

"Baby, I wish I could be there," Bucky said as he had for the past week. His heart had seized in his chest when he found out you were to get tested by Dr. Cho without him three days back. He had heard the quiet sniffle over the phone call, not daring to say anything about it—his voice would have given away what he had felt.

"I know," you whispered, wiping away a tear that had fallen down your cheek. He blinked a few times, in an attempt to dissolve the tears building up in his eyes. "Well, she said that we can have a sonogram in two weeks or so. I'll send a picture if you guys aren't back by then."

"I'm gonna ask Steve if I can come back early," Bucky said with a yearning in his eyes. He wanted to be there so bad that he felt like he would explode if he wasn't there with you. "I think that trading me in for Tony isn't bad, right?" He tried to joke to make the tension less thick, but the frown that appeared on your lips made him sigh.

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