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2 years flew by very quickly, Chaeyoung finally graduated from high school. Being a top student, she was granted scholarship for her bachelor's study in Tokyo University. Knowing that Chaeyoung and Mina were going to go to the same Uni together. Mina's parents thought, it would be a good idea to make Mina and Chaeyoung live together again, like they had always been, so they rented an apartment near the Uni for Mina and Chaeyoung to live in.

Chaeyoung was excited for college. She was excited for this new phase in her life and the challenges ahead of her, but the thing that excited her the most was living with Mina again. Besides, they hadn't discussed about the kiss 2 years ago. Mina always went home during the holiday,  but they somehow never discussed about the kiss.

Chaeyoung had many expectations for her college life. She really regretted the way she spent her childhood, isolating herself and always studying, doing chores and never playing like kids her age, all because of her stupid mother. She was determined to enjoy her college life. She wanted to make many friends and let loose. Most importantly of course, having fun with Mina. Chaeyoung and Mina spent most of their lives going to the same school, but they always acted like strangers, but this time it was going to be different.

After the holiday was over, Mina and Chaeyoung flew together to Tokyo. Chaeyoung was giddy and excited as it was her first flight, well technically it wasn't her first flight, cuz she flew as a baby with her mother from South Korea, only for her mother to abandon her in Japan.

After about an hour, they arrived in Tokyo. They took a cab to reach their new apartment and quickly noticed that they both would be sharing a room again. 15 years ago, Mina complained about sharing a room with Chaeyoung, but now she actually missed sleeping with Chaeyoung. Sleeping in her bunk bed in her old dorm felt really foreign to her.

"Onee-san, will you please show me around the city?" Chaeyoung excitedly asked.

"Sorry, Chaeng. I have to go to campus. I'm part of the student council and orientation week for freshman is next week. I have a lot to do." Mina apologized.

"You'll be fine on your own, right?" Mina asked.

Chaeyoung quickly chirped, "Yeah, of course."

She was actually disappointed, but she understood that Mina was busy. In the end, she travelled around the city on her own.

First day of college came faster than expected, Chaeyoung didn't want to be the same boring girl she had always been anymore. So, she learned to do make up and be more fashionable, to ensure a smooth college life. She was expecting that she would gain many friends in college.

She came to college looking presentable and smiled a lot to give off a friendly vibe. With her friendly demeanor, she did gain friends. Having friends was realy nice. Having fun, hanging out, partying together, getting drunk together, you name it. She never realized how boring, sad and lonely her life actually had been.

Even though things were going well, something was still missing, Mina. Chaeyoung and Mina studied different subjects so they had different campus buildings. Other than that, Mina and Chaeyoung's schedule never matched, so they never went home together. Mina was part of the student council, cheerleader and on top of that she had to keep up with her studies, so she never had any free time.

Chaeyoung tried to be understanding about Mina's situation, but she just couldn't help but feel disappointed. She was really looking forward to being closer with Mina, but Mina barely had any time for her. Chaeyoung expected that things would be different now that they pathched their relationship up, but things were still like back then, they went to the same school and lived in the same house, yet barely interacted with each other.

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