Two clingy people making acquaintances.

Fitting, isn't it?

She walked away from the scene, heading to the florist that she worked at sometimes.

The flowers would accompany her.

Now that she thought about it, Tommy would love the flowers.

She decided on popping in after her shift to gift Tommy some flowers.

The boy practically glowed at the sight of them, yet he started hiding his joy because of his insecurities and by being pressured.

Niki sighed somberly.

She felt remorse for his past, although she didn't know much.

Wilbur and Tommy were enjoying themselves, with Wilbur staying for a fee more hours to accompany the gremlin.

When he had to go, he'd promise to Tommy he'd show him his brother.

He was just keeping a finger crossed that Tommy won't go on about the shit Wilbur talked about behind Techno's back.


It was night, and Tommy had a slow shift.

His thoughts to himself burst when he heard the bell ring.

He turned towards the door from the storage room, finding no one there.

It was quite dark.

Tommy locked the room, then heading towards the main part of the café.


No response.

Tommy looked around, only to be spooken by a figure in the shadows.

"Who's there?" Tommy yelled, motioning towards his bow and arrow (which was neatly tucked under the counter).

The figure stepped forward, revealing Eryn.

"Uh, Hi Tommy?"

"Eryn you nasty fuck, I almost had a heart attack!" Tommy shrieked, exhaling shakily in relief.

"Sorry about that." Eryn sighed.

"So, anything up? It's strange for you to just show up at a time like this. Especially when no one is about." Tommy smiled jokingly.

Eryn sort of froze up.

"What? Uh, well you see-"

"Eryn, you don't have to be so worried. I'm not going to kidnap you or something. I was kidding." Tommy nervously chuckled.

"Yeah, well about that?"

"Anything wrong?" Tommy asked, raising an eyebrow.

Eryn reached for something behind his back.

"I am so sorry Tommy." He sighed, walking up to Tommy.

"Eryn? What are you?"

Eryn injected something into Tommy, causing him to fall asleep immediately.

Tears were currently burying his eyes.

"I didn't want to do this. I'm sorry. Forgive me." He whispered, carrying the body elsewhere.

A woman was waiting in the alleyway, a van nearby.

"I have him." He sighed, wiping back at his tears.

"Great, now hand him ove-"

"Not until you give me what I want." He snapped.

The woman skeptically nodded, handing him an unconscious blindfolded person.

Eryn then gave Tommy to the lady.

When he saw the van disappear he swore to himself he'd find him.

He had no choice, really.

They were going to murder her.

He didn't want to let that happen.

She was the last thing he had, and he didn't want to lose it.

They most likely took him back to run a few more experiments.

It hurt Eryn on how the Government allowed this.

But he currently couldnt do this on his own.


AN: we can all agree that government jshit is a piece of crap.
Dw eryn aint bad, he had a reason lol
the female was his younger sister, and eryn will find a way to get tommy back
run boy run to the sbi 🏃

tommy's standard life behind a coffee counter.Where stories live. Discover now