I shot the sheriff

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"Alright get up", the sheriff said. I looked at sara and she was gurgling up blood. I was attached to that horse and it pissed me off to see her die. The sheriff reached up for my hat. "I wouldn't do that if i were you" i threatened."boy, I'm gonna watch you hang" he sneered. He snatched my hat off my head. Since my hands were tied behind my back, i head butted him in the nose. The deputies went after pete so i was alone with the sheriff. I kicked him to the ground and riggled out of the ropes.

"Get back here boy" the sheriff yelled. He took my guns so i had to catch him by surprise. Now if you ever got an armed man chasing you, good for you. But play it smart. I ran to my horse and grabbed the repeater off the horse. BANG BANG BOOM!! I felt the whistle of a bullet fly past my ear.

I lifted the gun to my sholdier, i fired three times and hit the sheriff in in the chest twice.

He spit up blood. "Hahaha", i chuckled. "You d ddam outllllawwws", the sheriff mutered. He coughed up blood and fell to his knees. I cocked the repeater again BOOM! The sherif slumped forward on his face dead.

I walked to sara she was bleeding bad. "Come on girl", i petted her side softly and lifted my gun to her head.
"I'm so sorry girl i wispered" CRACCCKK! A tear dropped from my cheek. Now if your calling me a coward, well try and kill your dog you would cry to. I stood up and mounted the sheriff's horse.

I spurred it to make it trot. And rode in the direction pete went.


After 20 minutes i saw a trail of blood i cocked the repeater and trailed it. I found pete, he was sitting on top of a deputy punching him yelling "die dammit die"the other two deputies ly dead around him.

I lifted he turned around and saw me. " I'm sorry ed" he muttered he had blood all over him. I dismounted the horse and punched him in jaw. As my knuckles contacted he went limp. I walked over to the saddle bag and picked it up.

I threw it on the horse. "Hay pete", i said kicking him "uggg, what" he stood up and spit blood. "I was gonna come back i swear" he begged.
"You reckon" said punching him again. He fell over again i spit on him. "Come to elpaso in a week from now" i mounted the horse and rode off.

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