Kissing Chemistry (G0ldCharm)

Start from the beginning

"Are you going to be staring all day?" His deep voice sent a shiver down my spine.

What on earth!

He speaks too.

"Wha- what are you?" Well, here I was asking dumb question to a dream.

What did I say about insanity?

"What am I?" He grinned, maybe he found me funny.

"I am the Duke of Whellstone of course."

He said it like I had a clue, but he looked great.

His clothes were a throwback of the 1800's, was he into cosplay?

All the sudden I look at my surroundings.

An open field of tall grass and wild yellow flowers.

Hmmm... interesting.

He was standing by a gorgeous black horse.

Majestic, really.

Where the hell had my dream gone?

Wait, did he say Duke?

"Where am I?"

He laughed, "You are in Whellstone, South of France. What kind of question is this?"

I took a step back, what on earth is Whellstone? I did a quick mental scan of it, nope, nothing.

"Relax, you are my wife from the future, in every lifetime we are to find each other."

From the corner of my eye, I saw a young woman with long black hair and beautiful gown bedded of purple stones reaching all the way down to her ankles. I was seeing a patterns here, she wore purple, he wore a purple tunic and the even the horse had a dash of purple, yet colors were the least of my concerns.

The woman was smiling as she approached him. He took her into his arms. The devotion he in which he looked at her had me sighting. Stupid dream, I wish it was me...why?

"Your Grace. "She was also pretty smitten with him.

He kissed the top of her head and release his hold.

The minute our eyes met I was reflecting. Her eyes, her face, it was me, she was a mirror.

"This is the weirdest dream." I murmured to myself, yet the woman heard me and even agreed.

"Don't think so much of what this is, take this as a Christmas of science. We are here to help you find chemistry."

That there was when I laughed so hard even birds begin to rattle.

What was this craze?

It was obvious they didn't share the same amusement.

"You're joking, right?"

They both shared a look then watched me with curiosity.

"We are trying to aid the lady," said the very handsome man.

"I am the Duke of Whellstone and this is my wife the Duchess of Whellstone."

If I was not dumbfounded before I was now.

It was a dream for sure. I was just going with the flow.

Why not? No harm here.

"Okay... and how are you trying to help?"

The so-called Duke gave me a coy smile. Yeah, buddy, help me understand this dream.

"It is important that you find this gentleman, he's your destiny. If the future goes off track that means our past won't be the same."

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