Checking the Time

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They say that time changes people. That it makes them or breaks them. Children, for example.

'You'll be tall in high school.'

'You're going to be gorgeous when you get older.'

And the always classic: 'It's been so long, look at you now!' quote from the distant relative at a family reunion that you saw one when you were eighteen months.

She grabbed the old pocket watch off the top of the cardboard box. The girl flipped the cold metal in between her fingers before unlatching the clasp. She opened it gently, afraid that the slightest bump could tear it apart. She searched the cover for the inscription, not being able to see in the dim light of the basement where she was forbidden to go.

For my loving granddaughter, Opal. May the light shine for you as bright as your smile did my soul.

She unlocked the overly used smartphone that was currently residing in her pocket for the time being and squinted at the brightness of the light coloured lock screen.

The time read 11:58, two hours and fifty eight minutes after she was supposed to be in bed and fifty-eight minutes after she had decided to do this tedious task. She grabbed the knob of the device in her now clammy hands and twisted it, waiting for midnight to lock the time in place.

Two minutes felt like two hours as she just wanted to bring life to the only thing left of her deceased granddad.

She pushed down on the knob, watching the red needle spin at a steady pace around the origin. She felt like smiling and crying all at the same time, but couldn't muster up her feelings, as she stood there in the dimly lit room under the stairs, staring at the thing she held dearest. Emotionless was a word she used not as often as others, but was a word to describe her now.

She shoved the watch in her phones former home and dug her hands inside after wards, briskly gliding up the stairs, shutting the door, and leaving the old tenant there on the box just as if had been there for the past six years.

12:03 and she can finally rest easy.

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