"No Ketchum." Misty heard someone say, rather yell from the meeting room. Curious as to who it was, she went towards it silently. Sticking herself to the door, she saw inside through the peephole. She saw her two uncles, George and Tyler, standing face to face in the room, talking about something very important, as it seemed like.

"Fine." She heard Tyler say.

"So, you want me to invest?" George asked.


"How much?"George asked, crossing his arms.

"One million dollars." Tyler answered.

"Only?" It was a very small amount for these people.


"Okay then, I will." George agreed. Tyler nodded and thanked his friend.

"But," George began.


"You need not worry, I'll save your company. You just need to do one thing." George stated.


"Sign this." George said, taking a file from the table behind him.

"What is this?" Tyler asked.

"It's a contract about Ash and Serena getting married when they grow up." George said.

"What? No, you can't do this. Besides, Ash doesn't like Serena that way." Tyler told George.

"He will, when he grows up. Why would he deny such angelic beauty?" George asked, smirking.

"What about Serena?" Tyler asked.

"She has liked him for a long time. That's why I am doing this." George admitted.


"You want me to save your company or not?" George asked, slowly losing his patience.

"Even if I don't want to accept this, I want my family to be happy. Either way, fine. I will sign it." Tyler agreed.

"No..." Misty muttered to herself, still looking at the scene.

"Good. Now do it, here's the pen." George said, handing the file and a pen to Tyler. He took it, looking through the file.

"You'll take back your shares if Ash doesn't agree to this?" Tyler asked. George nodded.

Tyler knew Ash wouldn't accept this anyway. But his company was gonna fall, no one knew it except him and George, for he knew the damage was not done yet. He didn't want this to turn into the new talk of the town. He could've asked his dear friend, Aiden, but he had already helped Tyler uncountable times, and asking him again was not something Tyler would do. He knew, even if Ash would hate him for this, at least he'll live a life. Though against his will, he would be happy living in grace rather than spending his life known as Tyler's son, who's father couldn't give them a good life. Same for Delia.

Tyler sighed, looked at George for a moment, and signed the papers. He closed the file and pulled his hand towards George, for a handshake. George looked at it and accepted the gesture, shaking Tyler's hand.

"So, our deal is done!" George chimed.


"Now, just one last thing..."

"What?" Tyler asked.

"Hand me the gloves please." George ordered to Mrs. Anderson who was standing beside the table behind him. She handed him the gloves, taking them out from her purse.

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