"Why'd you throw it away?"

"Why? You want me to go play fetch in a bin?" Y/n teased as she sat back down, Nadine scoffed at this and rolled her eyes.

"I mean why did you throw it away as in a 'are you okay? Are you not much of a big eater?'"

"Not much of a big eater... if—if I'm honest..." Y/n explained to her, Nadine nodded her head.

"How come?" She asked, Y/n shrugged.

"Don't know. Just feel like if I eat then I'll be sick." Y/n told the girl across from her.

"But—But if you don't eat... then you'll be sick." Nadine informed the girl,

"I've got 34 hours without eating, I think I'll be fine." Y/n dismissed as she let out a small chuckle. Nadine stared the girl down before she stood up,

"Can we go to Tim's Fun Park?" She asked, Y/n nodded her head and got up with her; the two girls walked their way toward the Fun Park as it was only 20 minutes away however it gave the two girls time to get to know one another.


"God, just don't be so weird. God, why are you so awkward?" Nadine asked herself as she was in the bathroom at a party, Y/n came in and saw the girl.

"Nadine? You okay?" She asked as she shut the door and stood in front of her, as she placed her hands on Nadine's arms. Nadine removed her hands from her hair and sighed as her shoulders fell and she looked up at Y/n.

"How? Just how? Just how do you talk to people without being awkward?" Nadine questioned which made Y/n let out a small chuckle,

"I think everyone struggles with that—"

"Not you. Not Nick." Nadine disagreed which made Y/n laugh,

"I am a stuttering mess, and Nick? He... I don't even know, he's just him I guess." Y/n explained as she shrugged then put her hand in her jean pockets. Nadine sighed,

"How come when he acts himself, all girls fall in love with him but then when it's me, I just get called weird?" Nadine asked which made Y/n sigh, she looked down and wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into a hug. Nadine froze at this action but slowly hugged back, her arms wrapped around Y/n's waist as her hands snaked under her oversized black zip-up. Her head was rested on Y/n's chest as she could hear her heartbeat which soothed her. "You have a nice heartbeat." She complimented to which Y/n chuckled at.

"Why thank you, milady." Y/n hummed out to which Nadine looked at her confused before she giggled and pulled back from the hug,

"Milady?" She reiterated and Y/n looked down,

"Yeah, no, I don't know why I said that. I'm— I'm sorry..." Y/n apologised which made Nadine giggle,

"It's fine, you're good." Nadine dismissed. Y/n nodded her head as she looked down and cleared her throat,

"Well... I'm definitely leaving this party. You wanna come with?" Y/n asked which made Nadine smile,

"Um, I think I might hang around." Nadine denied, Y/n nodded her head.

"Ok, call me if you need anything." Y/n sighed out, Nadine nodded her head before Y/n left.


Y/n was walking in the hall until she heard the end of an argument between Nadine and Krista. She stopped as her face furrowed and she listened to the end of it. As much as she hated that she was listening, she wanted to comfort her but wanted to know what was going on.

"You can't. You can't have both." Nadine dismissed as she shook her head as her voice cracked slightly, "Pick. Me or him." Nadine stated, Krista stared Nadine down for a second before she shook her head,

"No, I'm... No, I'm not gonna pick." Krista denied as she let out a small scoff, almost as if it was a dumb question.

"It's me or him. Do you want him?" Nadine asked her,


"Or do you want me?" Nadine interjected before Krista could even continue what she was going to say, Y/n gulped nervously as she glanced between the two.

"This isn't a choice." Krista expressed,

"Why can't you say me?" Nadine asked me, as her voice broke. "Him or me, now!"

"No, I'm not gonna pick!" Krista denied, 

"You know what? Then we're done." Nadine stated as a fake smile was etched on her face, "We're done." She scoffed out before her face softened. 

"Fine." Krista stated before she walked off upset, Y/n rushed toward Nadine and wrapped her arms around her waist from behind.

"Hey, shh, I'm so sorry." Y/n breathed out as Nadine leaned into the hug and let out a shaky breath, "I'm sorry. It's unfair, I know." She mumbled as she placed a kiss on her shoulder and began to stroke her back. 

"Why—Why'd you kiss my shoulder?"

"I don't know, it comforts me. I won't do it again—"

"I liked it." Nadine admitted as she stared at the ground, Y/n gave her a soft smile and when Nadine turned around; she quickly wrapped her arms around her neck and tucked her head into Y/n's neck.

"If it makes you feel any better..." Y/n started and Nadine hummed, "I pick you. And I always will." Y/n stated but Nadine shook her head,

"Don't... Don't say that when you might not mean—"

"Nadine, I mean every word of it." Y/n interjected which made Nadine's face softened as she faced Y/n's neck and hummed.

"T—Thank you." She muttered quietly.


(A week later)

It had been a week and Nadine and Y/n hadn't been spending any time together after Y/n got into a physical and screaming match with Nick when she found Nick shouting at Nadine when they went for their hook-up.

Y/n didn't know why Nadine had been avoiding her but she could tell that she was. When she saw her alone in the hall; she went to go over to her but saw Erwin go over to her and wrapped an arm around her. The two smiled, laughed and Y/n watched from afar. That was... until Nadine saw. 

Y/n looked down and turned around,

"Hey, Y/n, can we talk—?" Krista asked as she walked over to her, this time Nadine watching from afar.

"No." Y/n stated,

"I'm sorry that I hurt Nadine. I just want to check up on her—"

Y/n pushed her against the lockers,

"You did the one thing that she hoped that wouldn't happen, Krista! You don't get to care anymore!" Y/n shouted at her, she punched the locker next to Krista which made her hand begin to bleed all over again just like when she punched Nick; Krista didn't move, nothing. It's like she barely reacted. Y/n sighed and walked off,

"Y/n, wait—" Both Krista and Nadine exclaimed, Nadine glared at Krista before she continued to go after Y/n. "Hey, what's going on?" Nadine asked as she managed to catch up with Y/n.


"It's not nothing. Come on, you said you'd pick me—"

"Okay but I was there for you and you just went to Erwin." Y/n exclaimed upset and hurt with what was going on. Nadine stared her down and moved her hand up to place on her shoulder but Y/n flinched which made Nadine take a small inhale as she could see the tears build up in Y/n's eyes.

Y/n glanced at her before she looked down at the ground, she stormed off and left Nadine. Standing there alone. Shocked. Worried. Hoping that her friend was okay.



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